
ROUTINE?!? That was announced back in 2012. I just did a “search” on Kotaku for routine. It came back with no results. I looked at the tag for the game. The articles are from the 2010s. This is why I hate these shit videos instead of articles. No clickable links, less verifiable details. At least at one point if I saw

Glad to see Kmart’s Revengers still makes news sites. I should install it and see if it is any more memorable than when I tried it last time. 

Unicorn Centibot! Oh the horror! (barf sounds)

I guess this article is specific to the NSO commercial stuff as opposed to the other spyware they have used?

Are you sure that wasn’t just a regular copy of Alien 3?

This just in: Netflix cancels Sandman after season 2: “The algorithm predicted not enough people will watch it the first day it will be released, and well, we just can’t see making more of it.”

Maybe I’m just weird but I love that stuff?

Why did people insist on calling it a superstorm instead of a hurricane?

The expression on this streamer’s face in the thumbnail lets me know I have no interest in clicking on the play button or watching his stream. You play the game. If you suck, get better. I watche FaZe Kalei sometimes. I don’t know exactly what I make of her but she seems kind of neat so I keep going back to her

I was not a fan of our fake rich president. I’m curious about your statement though; is it more common in the UK for the PM to be from a working-class background, or is it that the new PM is exceedingly wealthy and that’s what is unusual?  Or did I miss what you were getting at entirely? I wish I understood more about

My plan was to wait for it to go on sale in several years since I’ve got Bayonetta 1 & 2 and haven’t bothered to play through either of them yet. For that matter, I have a game called “Bullet Witch” for Xbox 360 that I never played either. Since there are a lot of other people besides the VA that go into making the

Why is this on AV Club instead of Kotaku?

Does this mean that the UK government might be headed towards a more liberal swing? As a ghastly American I have no idea how their stuff works.

Wow, very solid response and well written. I remember now that at first I was a bit skeptical since that was my first exposure to GN, but I wound up being disappointed with NewEgg over the whole course of events.

You win for best comment. Take your star.

I really enjoyed this series of games. I miss them. Might just dust off the DC and play since I have this afternoon off. VROOM.

Could someone explain or expound about “Gamers Nexus” to me? There was a recent controversy prior to this one that he was involved in, he tried to surprise a company by not announcing he would be there, something about the way he did it rubbed me the wrong way, I felt like both he and the company were a little

This had a lot of potential but it felt like when you meet head on with someone walking towards you and you both swerve the same direction, then both awkwardly correct in the same direction. The falling action after the climax felt like too much of a fall too fast.

As someone who has subscribed to her stream over over a year now, I’m really concerned about her. She’s a really cool person that gives small streamers time on her stream. She also just lost her 11 year old dog a few weeks ago, and this is just heaping extra bad times on her. Gonna be sending positive thoughts her way.

I’d like to make a journey of discovery while visiting London this Winter. I’ll be bringing a few large trucks that will drive into this building that has the word “Museum” on the front. Then my henchm- contractors will hop out of the trucks. They will carefully collect and store all the things of cultural