
Yeah, to build on what ajdragoon said, there’s basically three timelines (with some time skips in each) so you have the Dolores/Arnold timeline that ends with her killing him. The Dolores/William timeline where she almost gets through the maze. And the Man-in-Black timeline where the bulk of the action takes place.

Implicit bias has shown up gruesomely in the past few weeks in (white) reactions to the six black children killed by their two mothers. The responses of many white people have been to scramble for ways to elevate the “humanity” of Sarah and Jessica Hart and emphasize what “loving, selfless parents” they were.

They don’t see it because they don’t want to.

DePino said it upsets her that her fellow white people don’t recognize that implicit bias is real.

Not true.

what the fuck was going on with bananas back in the day?

This summer, Vin Diesel is Mrs. Dalloway

All IP should be public domain.

That’s not the Charlton Heston Ten Commandments, btw. Just thought that should be mentioned. Yes, CB rebooted his own bible epic.

Yeah maybe but an awful lot of people could benefit from that class these days.

This. Who’s the better person? The person who does good because they hope for reward/fear punishment, or the person who does it just because it’s good?

Wait, this is a lifehack? More like being human 101.

This is my response whenever religious people posit that atheists have no basis for morality. They have it exactly backwards. If you’re only doing something because God (or whomever) says you should, it’s not actually a moral act.

“You’re supposed to do good things because you’re good! Not because you’re seeking moral dessert.”

Kanye West hangs with Trump, defends Bill Cosby but Taylor Swift is the enemy...okay lol. West was the one who called her ‘that bitch’ in a song while acting like it was going to be a compliment. Keep sucking his egomaniac dick though.

Now playing

Trish Walker is no Robin Sparkles, that’s for sure.

I’m both glad and slightly horrified that they released the full video.

Remember when Christina Aguilera started overdosing on spray tanner and visible leather thongs in order to let everyone know that she wasn’t just a Britney Spears alternate? That’s more or less what “I Want Your Cray Cray” was