You made me laugh so hard I cried. Oh wow! Thanks, hehehe
You made me laugh so hard I cried. Oh wow! Thanks, hehehe
Or TV Tropes.
Mrs. Dalloway and Aliens, anyone?!?!
And that’s how we know “American Gods” was right.
I absolutely love this game. It and the cartoon are a huge part of my childhood and lots of my personal characteristics - being a researcher by nature, loving History, Geography, Cartography, travelling, etc. - were inspired and fueled by them. It’s a shame we don’t have it available for newer OSs as a remaster/remake.
I know, but that one has a hole and no way to close it. The one you can close has to be bought separately.
I know, but that one has a hole and no way to close it. The one you can close has to be bought separately.
The only problem is you have to buy the handle and the lid separately. I did that yesterday (bought a 30 oz. tumbler during BF) and the most amazing thing happened: I got 2 emails almost at the same time - first one confirming my payment and the second one confirming the package’s shipping! It was THE fastest shipping…
The only problem is you have to buy the handle and the lid separately. I did that yesterday (bought a 30 oz. tumbler…
The website is great, but repeats my major MCU pet peeve: chronologically, the MCU started w/ Thor’s grandfather fighting the Dark Elves as seen in Thor: The Dark World. Folks keep forgetting that.
My Waze still shows Colonel Sanders as a voice language option even after I updated it. No Go-... Morgan Freeman.
With one exception: AC IV BF - Freedom Cry. Probably the only example I can mention, so your statement remains true.
More than that, Cersei and Jaime are twins.
Maybe the laughable part is how it keeps getting more and more expensive and time consuming to rescue Matt Damon.
What I really want is a reliable Turn Off PS4 voice command. “Playstation”, “Start Power”, “Turn Off PS4”. Sometimes the last option is there, most of the time it isn’t (you can only say “Enter Rest Mode”) and I have to turn on my controller again (sometimes I let the console download stuff while my controller is off)…
The video states it uses EON produced James Bond films. NSNA and Niven’s Casino Royale aren’t one of them.
Argh! Can’t edit it anymore - forget the “not” in the first sentence!
That only works if you’re not dealing with someone that has the ability to have proper conversations. I’m saying this because I have experience dealing with a person that, when you use an example/hypothesis, they swift the topic just to attack your example instead of seeing it as part of a big picture. They treat the…
I have a friend(?) that does that and it drives me nuts because her conclusions are never what I was trying to say and she sometimes refuse to accept my conclusion/point instead of her half-thought wrong one because she has the need to be always right (thus the question mark above). From time to time we have arguments…
Alliance soldiers from the upcoming Warcraft movie.
Vader is Empire’s hero and Luke is Rebel’s. The are power ups in the map - some are for items (bombs, etc.), others vehicles and a special one is for the hero summon.
Open to everyone one until Oct. 12th.