Explain to me how he’s incorrect.
Explain to me how he’s incorrect.
Shoot, wealth tax doesn’t even sound good in theory to me, based solely on the scenario in my comment under another reply about what would happen if Jeff Bezos was taxed on his wealth.
Wealth taxes, while they might sound good in theory, are very poor in practice. Then again, if it sounds good in theory but not in practice was it ever really good in theory? We have actual evidence of this not working too so it’s not a theoretical exercise.
Make college free? The people who want to go to college should pay for it themselves, rather than have money stolen from others.
NO to a wealth tax, just no. Raise the top tier income tax rate (or create a new one), but no wealth tax.
I also oppose any tax rate above 49%, ever, and even that is too high.
All these candidates supporting a wealth tax are killing any chance they have.
AND the huge AND here is AND the impeachment investigation will shine a light on the clearly unsavory circumstances behind Hunter Biden’s influence peddling. The whole things smells like week old fish.
Pelosi should have trusted her instinct to not impeach. If this turns out to be nothing, democrats will look dumb. If it is something, Trump still won’t be removed from office, it will just be a mark on his record, we all know how much that matters.
What a complete waste of time and tax payers money. Rather than doing their job and taking care of their constituents, they spend every waking moment focused on how to get rid of a sitting president who has actually helped our economy and made good on the promises that got him elected.
Um, shouldn’t we just see the transcript before flying of the handle? This is going to be a nothing burger, again, and backfire on Democrats, again.
It won’t work without a campaign contribution. What BS, now he will never get my vote!
I’m going with option 3: Stick with your current phone.
I am the son, so I’m not 100% on the details. I think originally it was both my mother and I on the card, then eventually she removed herself. Not sure about the name stuff. I’m guessing they were purchases where that didn’t matter. Online payments, utilities, stuff like that. I’ll be honest, I doubt merchants look at…
Well if the gift card is a gift YOU aren’t giving them the loan...
Smithsonian museums are free. They always have been. Are there some details we are missing here? Is the Smithsonian shaming other museums into being free for one day?
Your summer reading list just got more accessible, thanks to a project funded by the New York Public Library. Most bo…
I guess I’ve never understood the desire to drink (alcohol) before getting onto a plane. A round of beer or cocktails (which is great at that moment) only guarantees that i will need to pee an hour later while my plane is sitting on the taxiway 17th in line for takeoff.
There is zero evidence that open offices add to productivity in any way. The problem is, the seminars that COOs and facilities planners pay ridiculous amounts of money to go to don’t need to deal in facts. They just need to deal in inspirational quotes and good feels.
Realistically speaking there are probably specific…
Whenever this topic comes up I always like to point out how it’s so common that the people that decide the company should have open offices have a little room all to themselves with a door that closes. Anyone who pushes for an open office concept should be required to work in one themselves.