Context-Free Kelsey Grammer

It always boggles my mind when people assume French-Canadians are similar to French people from France. Its like comparing someone from upstate New York to someone from London.

Wow, are you series?

Oh, and yeah, we’ll take Hawaii too, if it’s not meeting your expectations.

The offer to take Puerto Rico off your hands still stands though. Being that budget-disturber and all that it is for you.

They don’t mind them protesting, they just don’t like the way they are protesting. Wait a minute...

So let’s say the national anthem protests “work”. What event has to happen that would make everyone say, “okay, we’re good now. This can stop”?

Brought a smile at work.

I still get stroke levels of rage when I think about that post

kinda funny how she was seen as feeding from the corporate trough, while trump is some kind of successful self-made billionaire...

I agree that the Electoral College is a net negative, but professional writers using their platform to state that their votes don’t matter isn’t cool or woke or whatever, it’s how democracy fucking dies.

Thank you for this. Drew caught a lot of shit for his ‘Trump is going to lose’ post, but the fact that he stated his vote simply without 12 paragraphs of smug intellectual grandstanding means I will always be a fan.

Pareene’s blithe claim that voting for a candidate you don’t fully support is far more “self-indulgent” than refusing to vote at all ranks right up there with Ed Rogers’ declaration that OBVIOUSLY Donald Trump has a perfectly legitimate reason for not releasing his tax returns, because if he didn’t, he would have

Not to mention, because Trump was calling the integrity of the election into question, it was extra important that the popular vote margin be large too, in case Hillary won the electoral college but lost popular vote (which happened, just in reverse).

But the real danger is that people like Pareene give ideological comfort and justification for “not voting” or “voting 3rd party”, thus influence WAY WAY more than his 1 vote.

Voting’s for squares.

It is like none of them realize that there are also other government positions on the ballot. Hurr durr I live in DC. Hurr Durr none of this matters. I live in DC as well. Sure my vote for Hillary didn’t matter much, but I also voted for my no power holding representatives and a bunch of elected city positions. Also,

I think about this post every single day.

Adults who write thousands of words long think pieces about why young adult novels actually really suck are the fucking worst.

The angst this book produces in those that hate it is so baffling to me. As a child of the 80's I found it to be a fun, silly romp that allowed my mind to spin up memories of days gone by. Now the chic thing to do is tear it down like its Dostoyevsky.

That would be amazing.