Context-Free Kelsey Grammer

Dammit. I was watching on my phone and thought the Jets were in white. Yes, Byfuglien hooked that guy.

Yep, saw it happen with Stoke city. The captain started it!

I forgot about this. As usual, Bozak skating around doing nothing...

I was at the Capitals-Wings game last week where a woman who had started her own hockey team in the UAE dropped the puck, hijab and all, as part of this promotion. I was seriously touched, and the crowd gave a great welcome.

Thanks! A real, sourced answer to what many may have considered a lazy, dumb question.

I’d like to mention you omitted Jeet Heer, and how that relates to today’s Pepe meme culture (1/78)

I love that people in Cleveland refer to the stadium as “The Factory of Sadness”.

FotC FTW. I still dream of a season 3, Even though they’ve both gone on to bigger and better (ehh..) things.

Forgive me—I am old time hockey referee. That play looked like an offside forward pass (aka ‘2 line’ pass)... I believe that rule was discarded by NHL many years ago, but I can’t recall when...

Boy, the “How the Deadspin Staff voted” moralizing and self-regard looks super great today, huh?

I never get tired of Guy In Your MFA, who I think is That Tedious Asshole In Your Undergrad PoliSci Seminar’s cousin:

You’re an idiot. That entire scenario, from Bernie getting a strong showing to a true left Democratic party emerging, exists solely in your own head. The sad thing is that you seem proud of your logic.

For what it’s worth, Barry (one of my favorite writers) criticized Ruth Bader Goddamn Ginsburg for not being liberal enough about Kaepernick.


The WHCEA analysis also elides over the role government had in creating the labor market monopsony in the first place; including entrenched interests using licensing as a rent-seeking mechanism, the role of New Deal era wage and price controls creating the employer-sponsored health insurance system, and zoning

You didn’t get the memo, The Concourse is now Neo-Gawker. HamNo needed some place to publish his woefully simplistic and in no way realistic socialist screeds.

Thank you — you saved me the time I would have spent typing all that out.

Monopsony is monopoly lite? Yeah, no, sorry.

let’s talk about how to stop sharing this stuff from the Concourse