Commander Keen

I saw three out of four words and got excited, but the third word was not Lodoss.

Why do those videos look dramatically worse than all the prior screenshots/videos I've seen of GTA V? >.>

Or her big sister in fashion Boom Boom. Granted she was drawn by Rob Liefeld and had no chance of NOT looking horrible...

God I miss White Queen, so much.

I suppose there are worse...situations when it comes to certain costumes.

Are you fucking kidding me? She has more clothes on in this skin than her ORIGINAL model!

There shouldn't need to be a "reason" to keep it, or anything, in. Art does not need to justify itself, it exists for its own sake.

Very disappointing choice of words in the article. In no way was the Dickwolves thing a "rape joke". Rape was not made light of, nor were rape victims. The whole point of rape in that strip was to depict a horrific scenario - which I think everyone can agree rape is.

On the bright side, this should only effect less than 1% of the world's gaming population.

Which is why Xbox one and PS4 are both LAST GEN.
Because my 2 years old PC still fit that "Next Gen' criteria best.

I think the Wii U is the only console that fits the 'next-gen' criteria.

"hurr the only thing that makes a console next-gen is higher powered graphics"

Actually I own one! And I just finished getting 100% in New Super Mario Bros U!

I am convinced Titanfall will be amazing... on my PC.

I have played with the Wii U, it was fun!

Serious first world problems.

Except you can't do TV TV TV SPORTS!

See the fraternity article from yesterday - drinking and drugs are cause for concern, but violating women is just "boys being boys."

He stated that his whole life would be ruined, the girl always wins