Commander Keen

I would rather have a sticky rice burger.

No, you're right, this doesn't happen on consoles. They simply lock up, and console players have to wait for the game to be patched, rather than having the ability to take matters into their own hands to solve it themselves.

Part of being a member of the Master Race involves learning the ins and outs of how games run on the PC, including learning how to troubleshoot problems.

To quote myself.

I give 0 shits about that game, Warframe on the other hand...

"While others decided to stay safe and not try anything new..."

"the CC numbers are salted; they are literally useless."

I was about to say "Oh! A $199 Vita, now that's a price I can settle for."


As soon as I saw that graphic I thought: fez 2 is back on?!

i lost interest at mobile

The title of the post says it all. Pretty much what I feel when I hear 'free-to-play'.

The article where Jason "revealed" that Bethesda "lied" about Arkane developing a new version of Prey 2.

I'll bump this guy out of the grey for you.

It's not journalism. Unless, "man caught lying to wife — he DOESN'T think she looks good in that dress!" is also journalism.

Maybe something along the lines of "Hey, despite previous denials, sources say Prey 2 may indeed be on track with a different studio. Stay tuned if more develops."

We live in a world where "no comment" automatically means confirmation. David Jaffe had a solid rant about this. This is why he has outright lied about projects and surprise events. It keeps the excitement of the announcement alive. It leaves a little magic in there for the gamer. Why would I want to know about Prey 2

This is what I assume happened: