
Okay, what is she indicating by holding up two fingers here? Am I supposed to counting something? I'm looking around this picture really carefully and looking for two of something and OH WAIT I SEE IT WOW THAT'S UNFORTUNATE.

I don't really care about the gay marriage thing, but I am adamantly against men having women's names.

This might be the most entertaining article I have read on Gawker Media. Superb, man. Well done.


man, Stella is fine enough. When will you do an article on cost to value beers? If microbrews suck, and premium brands suck, if the only alternative are 4-5 dollar bottles of duvel...that sucks too.

that's great feedback, I appreciate the tip!

I am definitely not a professional graphic designer, and yep...I hack and slash crudely. Honestly I'm pretty good at data to ink ratios, proportion and symmetry, font sizing and image resolution. I actually teach data visualization, not that it should matter. Basically, I hear you and don't like using dumb apps for

want to send me an email at overturf eight eight at gmail with breed, age, health, behaviors to date, and when/where you get humped? It's ok if not. Otherwise we can talk here. What I would suggest for you (recommend, and let you try or confirm with someone) and would vary by what you have. It basically runs the

I (highly) recommend Brooks Brothers non-iron dress shirts from either retail or their outlet stores. Pricey in packs of 2 or 3, but you will not have to dry clean ever. Or iron ever, even on the road. Best clothes I ever had.


That's the primary drawback of my card (including static QR codes, which I don't recommend). Particularly given it's a folder. I'd have liked to include more white space for notes than the margins it has. It's a good point: ultimately I just have margins in the context of a lot of info for people who want to record

Trainspotting. Epic book scene, epic movie scene.

I have to admit sometimes I just come to Jezebel to read hot erotica and get totally turned on. Add this one to the ole' reading list? OH HELL YEAH!

Ironically enough, I knew I was straight after seeing Burt Reynolds in Playgirl when I was 10 years old.

Seriously? Goddammit. First, I apologize for the misinformation. Secondly, fuck that guy at Vistaprint. I bet they turned it off just to spite me. Seriously, they really did tell me on the phone they didn't have that functionality external but could check it internally.

Of course, you just outed 104 (and counting) jaded English and Philosophy majors, but we deserve it anyways.

I thought this was a pretty funny response. Nicely done.

Jesus. Passing on an AF PJ is pretty bad.