
Hey that's so cool! It makes me happy to hear it. I think it's good foundational stuff for dogs of any age and pretty much anybody can do these things. Hopefully you are exposing your new pup to all kinds of things. Loud noises are a good thing to introduce...drop a book progressively higher, etc. And playground

FWIW, I think eliminating sand won't ever happen, but I"m a big fan of keeping one or so of those large moving blankets you can get at Home Depot for like 15 bucks. You can just cover seats/floor/etc, though I guess this would make the most sense for back seats. I use them as sure fire covering for dog trips,

I'm gonna stay away from easy jokes about the general availability of salad spinners once someone is more than 5 feet away from that cupboard where all the really odd cookware goes.

Jesus Christ. I am glad you have it all figured out.

It's the second priority, whatever choices you make in life about the first one.

I just thought she came off as abusive, what with the whole discipline and punish technique she will introduce at kindergarten via audiobooks of "Silmarillion."

she's a Jezebel commenter. A Jezebel writer would avoid sunlight and water.

I spot one steelers fan in that pack of tween boys. WORK IT GAPOLCHEK BE PROUD OF THAT FISH BELLY.

I think you are so wrong about Ray Rice not being wrong! That's wrong, man. Hitting women is not cool.

not fired up: it was not intended otherwise.

But Katy Perry actually seems like a likeable and responsible human being who can do something like this and not end up snorting coke off of the ass of some Ska drummer(s) and sending out Vines while doing it.

if a Cornhusker falls in a forest, does Nebraska hear it?

"So much for trying to block 'Em"

it may have been a subtle message of support to those on VA wait lists.

I am surprised that Larry King did not ask for the game to be suspended.

Yes. He actually seems like a good man. His personal story is truly heartbreaking. I will take his consistent minor silliness with his overall moral compass over absolutely any alternative. I think a lot of him.

Oh geez. Wow. Just...Jesus. How many of these people can fit in a VW bug, and is it funny for the kids when they come out of it in the main ring?

Told chicks I read Jezebel.

You must be from didn't get the fucking joke. Not directed at you. And nice job on the grammar suggestions: you never see much of that from people on web forums. It's a nice change of pace. But yes. A joke. Admittedly lame but in no way directed at you.

Jesus dude...yes Drew is from (a place in the Midwest) that's much better than (other places in the midwest, and fucking surely better than the east and west coasts, and infinitely better than St Louis) but he doesn't often claim that because, even though he sold out and moved East and turned in to a pretty preachy