
Or in experience, having a very deranged and elderly woman from Juarez standing between you and the border crossing terminal only 30 feet away.

For those who doubted the positive economic effects of recognizing same-sex marriages?

Oh, Satan. You ole jokester!

...and then spent the majority of the time laughing about it. +1

"I didn't see that one coming."

With that snappy attitude, and a helmet pinning back those ears, it looks as though Gummo might just get out of Xenia.

I think I'm gonna hold out for the meth addict bobblehead night.

Hah! What you are actually seeing there is a fantastic interpretation of the historic Lincoln-Douglass debates.

"Indicted for" perjury does not imply "able to spell" perjury.

What's probably most offensive is this picture, where we all see Bobby V clearly mimicking the twin towers just after the first had collapsed.

Surprising. I really thought the Bengals were trying to be a nicer set of boobs.

And good luck, Tiger. People have been trying to get Tamillions from her for years.


Good luck trying to find her. AMIRITE?

We have a bye week coming up. Other that...nope. We don't even rate public domain art projects. We don't even rate Deadspin posting a .gif of Jerry Kill having a seizure.

Grandma just likes having them on carbon copy for when she balances her checkbook.

That will change when Deadspin uncovers the segment from last winter when Lefkoe made 97 references to the Rwandan Genocide.

He was just angry knowing the loss would relegate his team down to the Zyklon B division.

+1! Yeah, "shake it like a Polaroid pic—"

Key words: New Jersey, suffer, harm, dystopia, dead, Jets, and PhilfromMonmouth.