Hell yeah!! Although I am told I am weird when I do this but its just the way it works for me. All those years of flight simulators
Hell yeah!! Although I am told I am weird when I do this but its just the way it works for me. All those years of flight simulators
Why recast T’Challa? Just have a new Black Panther character who pays tribute to T’Challa, while carrying on the legacy?
It’s a really fun movie and Shang-Chi is a sympathetic character with a really relatable story, I thought, so I’m not sure what those people are on about.
I am going to go all out white lady here, because I am a white lady and I can’t always help it. Last year I went to the craft store and made myself a Juneteenth wreath. I live in rural North Dakota and no one sees my front door, so it is only for me and my family. And I guess my Facebook feed. But this year I didn’t…
Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.
Waugh!/ACK! 2024
Both tits, now calm both tits
My apology was not an apology at all, but instead, yet another poorly thought out, base, and immature attempt at humor.
Can I play as Juggernaut?
In what dumpster universe is 90s reject Onslaught a AAA villain?
Literally, yes.
damn hard to believe someone who voted for trump isn't bright enough to discern extremely obvious sarcasm
Quitely’s work is easy to spot because everybody looks like a potato.
And they go on forever too!
Judge John E. Niedrach
3 Government Plaza, Suite 320
Rome, Georgia 30161
Judicial Assistant
Kathy Patterson
Phone: (706) 291-5121
Fax: (706) 291-5278
Claire is not at all consistent in her views. In Iron Fist she won’t let Danny and Colleen kill anyone, but in The Defenders she insists that they (including the very anti-murder Matt, Luke, and Jessica) kill everyone.
Still blows my mind. What is fantasy football, but pokemon?