
It happened to me, many a year ago. I was serving an American couple and got to chatting with them, they told me that with my customer service skills and education I could make sooooooo much more money in the States. Which...was nice, I guess? They meant to compliment me? Then they left a shitty tip and went their

I opened this article thinking “oh maybe I will play Destiny” then scanned for ten minutes and was like “well... if I can’t even make it through the article why bother trying to make it through the game?”

I thought Portia del Rossi and Lucy Liu were THE two most beautiful women I’d ever seen in my life. I’m pretty jealous of Ellen that she’s married to Portia.

But only if his cronies. Which I’m sure will carry over when Mueller announces the investigation results.

If you were raised properly, you would know the “ They did it first!” excuse is not accepted from Kindergartners, let alone adult racists.

I played three rounds when it was free and quit because it was so boring. No variation, gimmicky powers. I couldn’t fathom why people were so obsessed until I read that 56% of ADHD cases are never properly diagnosed.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

Wow. This is a total garbage article. Jezebel really needs to rethink its political reporting- really, really not good. Let’s look at the NYTimes. Oh look. Literally the second bullet point front page main points of the article without even clicking on the article itself:

Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.

Street Fighter V should not have gotten best fighter.

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

They caused a head injury to a deaf, partially blind teenager with a brainstem tumor. GOOD JOB, ASSHOLES.

I foolishly showed my niece and nephew “Dumb Ways to Die” about three years ago. They still beg to see it over and over again whenever I see them.

Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.

That was my first election. Fucking Nader (and fucking right-wing justices).

Anyone who votes third party (apparently forgot the year 2000) ought to do some research into the state of the State of Maine.

My generation had their wake up call with Bush vs. Gore. Oh, you thought there wasn't any difference between a moderate democrat and a phenomally stupid republican? Let me have eight years to demonstrate.

It’s been so long since I saw Tomb Raider that I literally can’t remember anything about except that I saw it. Did I like it? Did I hate it? I legitimately don’t remember!

this should have happened a long time ago. the figures are cool but the games aren’t all that good.

Who would have thought that charging $14 for a plastic piece of one-off DLC wouldn’t have created a long lasting sustainable business plan? Go figure.