I had just come back from 3 years living in Japan, an hour outside Tokyo, so I lived this movie just because it reminded me of my life there. I need to watch it now that more time has passed.
I had just come back from 3 years living in Japan, an hour outside Tokyo, so I lived this movie just because it reminded me of my life there. I need to watch it now that more time has passed.
A couple years ago, I edited the movie to replace it with the Basil Paledouris soundtrack, cut out Rose McGowan’s anachronistic speaking, and fixed most of the bad stuff. If anyone wants, it’s here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dei4fwme4j7s6bj/Conan%20the%20Edit.mp4?dl=0
Crap, I can’t remember without asking. I play neither since they don’t seem to involve any roleplay aspects.
I had the same hope. There’s a Warhammer show that is being ironed out now, so I hope he jumps on board.
I keep saying that the problem with the new Star Wars projects is that the original run was paying homage to Kurosawa, Westerns, and adventure serials, whereas the new run is paying homage to...Star Wars. It’s just a big circle jerk now. That’s why the Mandalorian was so good: it went back to the idea of drawing…
“Lots of callbacks to the prequel era this episode from a stewardship that otherwise seems pretty intent on ignoring it.”
Wait, what? This whole show is bogged down by Boba Fett’s prequels retcon of being a clone, including multiple flashbacks to Kamino, not to mention the numerous aliens and droids from the prequel…
The only thing they’ve ever shown Boba Fett do is a) trick Luke & the Scooby Gang into a Vader trap, b) cleverly figure out how to track the Millenium Falcon, and b) suck at combat.
I figured the slow-mo chase scene was a result of them INSISTING it be done practically instead of with CG. To its detriment.
You just described the Star Wars universe
What happened to Disney? I’ve been waiting for the movie since they announced it over a year ago: https://www.tor.com/2020/12/14/lucasfilm-is-developing-tomi-adeyemis-children-of-blood-and-bone/
Exactly. If Shuri takes the mantle like she did in the comics, she can be just as much of a role model.
Also, does anyone know of a change.org petition that has ever actually worked? Online petitions don’t carry much legal weight.
And now he has sold out of them because of the article. Who’s laughing now!! Or...whatever that mouth is doing?
Poor Zach, having to make films about the glum superhero, Superman. IT wasn’t his fault!! /s
It was so inspiring the way his dad kept harping on him to let people die and then he inspiringly spent the last act...letting people die.
That’s what they do with everything. All the weird, twisted stuff they come up with to explain their discriminatory bills and movements are all from their own desires. Everyone else is like, “That’s...not something a normal person would do.”
Thank you! I always hated those anti-piracy PSAs before movies where some random crew member tells you how many people worked on this film and that pirating it would hurt their jobs. Everytime, I’m like, “What are you talking about? The production wrapped. You got paid. WTF?!”
I’m playing the game right now. Captain America still looks like that. I keep staring at the cheap-ass pads he stole from a high school football locker and wondering what is up with those super-thin pockets on the stripes. What is he supposed to put in there? It’s a Liefeld drawing come to life.
It was on TV. I watched Conan and Alien as a kid. R doesn’t mean anything.
We’ve been doing fine so far. The teachers usually start the zoom early and chat with the kids. The work on Seesaw includes video or audio explanations since they can’t read yet. And we have one or two playdates a week in Zoom so the kids get to know their classmates better, as well as a schoolwide dance party/Fit…