Hey, getting abs like that ain’t easy!
Hey, getting abs like that ain’t easy!
Did you mean to post this:
It always reminds me of white people or Christians who cry, “We’re being oppressed!” when someone criticizes or makes fun of them.Or when you hit a bully one time after years of putting up with them. They’re still the majority, chill out.
Mmmmkay. The fact that sports is put on equal footing as religion is exactly the reason one should refer to it as sportsball. Helps to point out how trivial it is. Not that it works against fanatics.
Yeah, this was basically what most of the people commenting said, too. Which was amusing since I said it because a) I didn’t know which sport he played, so sportsball pretty much covered it, and b) everyone at Fox Sports where my wife works uses the term in an equally silly way. It’s just such an amazingly…
Pretty sure I’d just laugh at them. But I do refer to Androids as ‘Real Phones’ when I talk to iPhone users.
I just reply with, “That’s offensive!!” whenever I see someone else use it. And I refer to it as the S word. Just to be annoying.
I posted about something and used the term ‘sportsball’ to describe what turned out to be a basketball player. Cue hundreds of comments of people losing their minds over my use of ‘the s word’ as offensive to them. I was epic and horrifying to see people get so butt-hurt over something so silly.
And wasn’t Paul Reubens her secretary for a few episodes?
How about that guy who swerved around the truck as it exploded? I want to see the look on his face as he made a F&F escape...
Yes to all of the above.
If there’s anything I’ve learned these past few years, it’s that if you cast Dane DeHaan in your movie, it will bomb spectacularly.
Yep. Every year they write the nations who have nukes and implore them to get rid of them. Every year. No effect.
Yeah, I was gonna say the same. As infuriating as this incident was, I can’t take it out on our local den. They even have girl members because the sisters of scouts want to join the same activities their brothers do.
My friend had a fun time when his kid asked what porn was, but otherwise it’s fine. I’m taking my 7 year old this week.
Yes. Yes we did. His name was featured rather prominently at the end. We gave him the ol’ two finger salute as it rolled by.
Except for the fact that she studied dancing in school and is the daughter of Joel Grey? That doesn’t count as a little?
Hahaha! Nice. I was confused because people mentioned a story, but there was none. Just good guys and bad guys woring together to stop other good guys and bad guys from controlling small areas of land in exotic locales. Over. And over. And over. How could we have gone from the plethora of variations in HALO 15…
I forgot people were still playing it, myself. How many times can you play the same “Hold this territory” or “Hold this territory, but this time it’s moving?” Remember when games used to have multiple scenarios to play?
What? Bwahahaa!