Update: She has confirmed!
Update: She has confirmed!
What was the Director’s evil motivation? He wanted the Emperor to notice him?
I don’t know if it’s a case of likeable or just having barely any character at all. When they died, we were all like, “Huh. Too bad, I guess?” All we know about the pilot is that he’s the pilot and that’s because the majority of his dialogue is, “I’m the pilot!” Character description is not the same as character…
From the actual link: “At approximately 9.35pm on Tuesday 12 July...”
I guess I know who she’s been reading on Twitter:
Maybe I’m missing something, but is this multiplayer only or can I play single-player by myself?
Not to be rude, but this was already known. After they made the death of Chef episode, Stone and Parker said they found it that someone else in the Church was responsible for him quitting and Hayes was very sad about not being in the show anymore. They felt like shit for having made the episode and were super pissed…
Much like in ‘64....or the ‘98 Nagano games? Or the 2002 World Cup? Actually, that one was hilarious because the police were so freaked out by hooliganism that they were lining the streets afraid rowdy crowds would go on rampages. Never happened. Maybe they couldn’t afford tickets?
No Rygar? No Golgo 13? I’m out!
Clearly he has not seen D.O.A. The most fun I’ve ever had at a video game movie. Eric Roberts’s hair should have top billing!
Having played it, I can understand why. It was such a half assed, blatant money grab that I assume people said, screw this. Then went back to playing Skylanders so they could use all their characters in the same game.
Not in the slightest. We played Skylanders first, so we were annoyed as shit when we got Infinity and discovered you could only play certain characters with each playset. It was such a blatant money grab with such little effort put into it. I think I have a picture of my son shouting at the in-game billboard of Nick…
I assume they are expecting to be stomped by Lego Dimensions and Skylanders, both of whom have added vehicles to the mix.
The best part of Golden Week is going to Tokyo, which become s a ghost town. It’s creepy.
We were just having this discussion on my Facebook since I am re-uploading my Hobbit edit from last year (which was hosted on a friend’s site previously). I was hoping this article would talk about the bandwidth issues. It was up for only a day before Dropbox suspended my downloads. I wanted to know if Google Drive…
All I could think when I saw this was how he knew he was on a sinking ship and tried his best to fix it by bringing in the screenwriter of Argo to fix Goyer’s BS and even writing his own lines while filming. And yet it wasn’t enough.
Yeah, people had already decided this movie would be terrible and are writing reviews through a thick fog of hate. The fact that they are criticizing it for being so serious and grim when it has made no qualms about using Dark Knight Returns as a template just makes them look like fools.
Is the one true Bowie tribute the Nirvana/Beck performance from the night before the Grammys?
Five minutes before I saw this article, I was telling my wife how Trump might find himself and Admiral Stockdale to be his running mate. And then BAM! Jinx!