Not to take away from all this necessary Jewel attention but Christ if Jenny McCarthy’s “inner circle” isn’t also the ninth level of hell.
Not to take away from all this necessary Jewel attention but Christ if Jenny McCarthy’s “inner circle” isn’t also the ninth level of hell.
Some people like make up, boys and girls!!
Goodbye Inky and God speed
Hey Natasha,
Was drake there
And their absolutely vile stepmothers
I had accidentally lost a friend's favorite book and was too embarrassed to tell him so I told my boyfriend to keep it to himself as I stalled, hoping I would either find it or be able to replace it before he asked me to return it. Our (mutual) friend admitted that my boyfriend had spilled the beans a long time ago.…
"Doing clothes you would have thought I had help but they wasn't satisfied unless I picked the cotton myself"
It was insane! My sister had emotional problems from a very young age due to her bio mom (my step) being unhinged. Instead of getting to the root of the issue my dad's new wife decided that emotional manipulation, religious shaming, and police-style surveillance was the only way to handle it. It's severely fucked up.
This was basically how my father's side (deep Florida southern baptist) of the family conducted business on the regular. They used to keep a security camera in my sister's room to make sure she wasn't doing anything "evil". Even worse- they got the approval of a family therapist to do so. We knew CPS on a first name…
Natasha!! I had no idea you were writing for Jezebel now! I fell madly in like with you ever since I heard you on This Feels Terrible. I'm definitely going to be reading all of your pieces. I adore you!
This is probably the least unhygenic thing to ever happen on a SEPTA bus.
That face as she held that note! Jenny, you can do no wrong.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who screams "Shut the fuck up!" whenever I'm overcome with positive emotion. It makes for a strange conversation at my workplace.
Women, let us all band together and make "(location) was my KFC" a real saying.
Wait. It vibrates if the cock isn't thrusting fast enough? Because honestly that's the opposite problem I've encountered as a sexually active adult woman.
That's crazy that your nephew's name is Firstname. Does he get teased?