
Would have been cool if you got the item for the cheaper price fair and square, but instead you got it unethically. So a customer may have stuck the steamer in the wrong spot, coupled with the fact that you failed to read the price label in an attempt to make sure it was the same item. Customers like you are BS.

Or you could, you know, read the fucking label to make sure the item you're looking at is the same as the item on the price label.

"I walk over and sure enough a $25 Purdy paint brush had been incorrectly placed in the wrong spot" — I'm so glad our customers at HD don't often behave in this way. It's unfortunate that you are perpetuating this "advice". An item is almost never in the wrong spot because we accidentally put it there. It's almost

Behr's top products perform better than SW's and it's less expensive. If you buy SW, you are paying for a name.

Use a paper towel or toilet paper. Wait, you already do that anyway, right?

There are plenty of CFLs and LEDs sold that are in the soft white range too, you know.

I'm no professional painter, but I've worked in paint retail since about 2006. The big box store paint you refer to as "cheaper" is not necessarily so, at least not always in performance. I've never heard one good thing about SW's emerald. In fact, Behr Ultra blows it out of the water and it's far less expensive than

Sherwin Williams seems to be the worst. I've worked in the paint business for several years and I hear the most complaints about SW. Price versus performance is awful. The only reason to use SW is if you're concerned with branding.

I think it's ridiculous and excessive that late payments over 30 days stay on your credit history for 7 years. I would think 2 years would be more than enough.

I always thought it was very pretentious sounding when people use multiple initials in the printed spelling of their name. Names like: J.K. Rowling, Louis CK, George RR Martin, etc.

I knew one guy who was an exception to this. Messy truck, but absolutely great painter who I would hire in a heartbeat if I needed him to do some work for me. But he knew his work was good and he charged accordingly.

Not sure if Omega-6 is supposed to be a selling point.

Your legs aren't the only thing those jeans touch. What about chairs at restaurants and other public places?

typical Monsanto shill

That stupid-ass race card again when there is no reason for it... ugh....


Then why would you even bother by saying "I make sure they know that I want it back"?

Solution: keep a pen for yourself only and don't loan it out.

I love irrational thought processes like this one. Really restores my faith in this world. /sarcasm font

Ok...? What I'm saying is you will not find this industrial toilet paper at HD. You will find a common household brand.