
I dunno man, it's sucks that people are having their personal pics put on the interwebs without consent, but at what point does a person take responsibility for taking pics of their own corn hole and putting it on a damn app or some other site, or cloud service?

But it feels so fucking good! (Full-grown adult, here.)

I definitely feel like this point wasn't addressed. Sure, maybe it's better for my ears, but is a life without Q-Tips really a life worth living?

Rebuttal: Q-Tips feel amazing.

Vitamix 5200 Series

Vitamix 5200 Series

Why would you doubt TJ's giving you a clean spoon or not? Do you do this everytime someone hands you cutlery?

I'd be interested in hearing how that works. That is say I want to try some of the peanut butter. So the employee opens a can and hopefully they use a clean spoon to give me a taste, and if I don't like it or don't want it, then what happens with the used can of peanut butter? Is that sold to a new customer at full

Going to have to throw a flag on the wine part. Sate laws vary heavily on giving away wine for free (even as a sample), which is why you frequently see places like Wine and More charge a dime to enter the tasting area. While workers at stores and restaurants would be happy to give a free sample in the hopes of helping

Do not buy Kraft singles or any other individually wrapped American Cheese. Do go to the deli counter and buy it fresh sliced- Land o'Lakes is very good, Black Bear, even Shop Rite brand is better than the "singles." Try a few, find one you like, and never look back. I like White American better than yellow, but I

HDMI is notable because those are digital signal cables, not analog. You literally cannot change the quality by changing the cable, unless a connection breaks.

The best is making your own. A cup of sugar, and 1-2 tablespoons of a good molasses. That's it.

Disagree. Audio cables, in general, do not have much of a difference, except for durability. The only problem that you will have with cheap 1/8" cables will be loose connections. Otherwise, it's entirely psychological. There's an entire audiophile component industry built around selling that bullshit.

Yeah, it's all fine and dandy unless you're the associate at the aforementioned stores dealing with that one customer who insists on 'negotiating' every aspect of the sale. These stores aren't swap shops.

Look for items incorrectly stocked. Now this one may be a little unethical but I had several customers pull it on me when I worked in the paint department. I once had a guy approach me and say, "Hey, this paint brush over here says it is only $3.99 and that's the price I want." I walk over and sure enough a $25 Purdy

I worked at a Lowe's for six years, and a lot of that advice was incorrect. We'd never negotiate free add-ons, because then that fucks our inventory count (and the margins were usually higher on smaller items). We'd negotiate down the price of the big thing to pay for the little thing, so it was like it was a free

Sure, it sounds simple in theory. Now try that scenario during the holiday season. There are 50 people behind you in line, my manager's busy, and you want 20% off a $10 purchase. "I'm sorry, I can't do that." "Can I speak with your manager?" Now our transaction that should have taken 1 minute takes 15 minutes, &

As if minimum wage retail workers didn't already have enough shit to deal with. Now we can add customer haggling to the list.

Look for items incorrectly stocked. Now this one may be a little unethical but I had several customers pull it on me when I worked in the paint department. I once had a guy approach me and say, "Hey, this paint brush over here says it is only $3.99 and that's the price I want."

When I worked at a grocery store customers were always asking for discounts on dented or damaged items, but we always had to refuse. Our wholesaler would buy back damaged products for 100% of what we paid. I always wondered where they picked this habit up.

Am I seriously the only guy that chills the glass so that this whole discussion is useless? An hour in the freezer works great, as long as it doesn't leave a mess of condensation on there or have any weird smells - hell, throw a piece of plastic wrap over the top if you want.