
Believe me, I do support the little man, I just hate customers like yourself.

I've been working in retail for over 7 years now and understand full well "how things work" and the scumbag tactics customers use to try to get a deal, this being one of them. Usually the shelf labels provide enough information for me to ensure that the label reflects the product I am interested in purchasing. If it

Then why the fuck are you shopping there??

Probably the label from when it was originally on sale, and nobody changed the label. In that case, the store definitely should give it for the price reflected on the non-updated label.

How is that even presumptive or self-righteous?

Guess you could say I'm a no bullshit kind of guy. And BTW, the sentence you decided to "fix" was already correct, you just "fixed it" in such a way as to say it differently.

Didn't know the typical flowchart was due for a redesign. Looks like a hipster had something to do with that.

Ok then, but what stops people from being dishonest? Do we just assume that all customers are being honest about the item being in the wrong spot? How do I know you or a friend didn't stick something in the wrong spot in an attempt to score a deal? You're banking on people like me being oblivious to people doing this

"People like you are why customers don't like a lot of store employees." — People like you are the reason why store employees grow to hate the way customers behave. I'm willing to bet you've never worked in high volume retail before, and if you have, not for very long.

It takes all of 1 second to read the text on the tag to make sure the item you are pulling from the shelf to purchase is, in fact, the same one reflected on the price label. Is it the store's employees fault if a customer positioned an item or items in the wrong shelf location 5 minutes before you walked over to it?

What about the description on the price label? Or was that irrelevant?

Why be an asshole like that, though? Does it give you a sense of satisfaction? Sad how American society has allowed people like you to become the selfish and entitled way you are.

Thank you! About time someone with some damn sense spoke up in these comments. The customer a: didn't read the label to make sure it was the right item, b: picked up an item that was put in the wrong spot by another customer, or c: put the item in the wrong spot himself and then bitched about getting a discount.

It might have been a situation where they could receive full credit for the damaged item from the manufacturer/vendor. Wouldn't make any sense to sell it for cheaper and take a hit for it.

I want you to work in retail for a good solid year, then come back and re-read what you wrote.

So the clearance price, cheaper than the original price, irritates you? Here's some advice: just don't fucking buy it, entitled one.

Question: What stops people from behind dishonest by placing an item in the wrong spot, taking a picture of it, then going to bitch about getting it cheaper at the register?

Sounds a bit dishonest. Stupid cashier should have been a little more judicious. Customer (or you) should not have stuck the camera in the wrong place on the display.

I guess if stores allow customers like you to cheat them, maybe that's what they deserve. Anyone can take a pic of a price label somewhere else and attempt to have another retailer price match it some day down the road when the price goes up. Unethical....

disgusting consumer tactics