
That’s a photoshop, right? Not an actual character design from a game people pay money for?

What about “ok boomer.” That’s at least as good as “wack.” 

Oh well, y’know, like the Jedi always say... live long and prosper.

I think you came from the past. 

That’s almost definitely what would happen, because it’s exactly what happened with HOTS. They realized their esports league for that was bleeding money, so they abandoned the entire game.

The only reason this is biting her is because how this dealership operates. As noted in the source article, one of the male employees was on that very same site. All he got was teased. Another male employee also groped another female employee, no mention of a reprimand for him.

She was thinking she’s an adult and should be able to do what she likes in her personal time.
She was also thinking she had bills to pay.

Yeah man, got to make sure technicians aren’t *checks notes* making a side income in a completely unrelated field.

Considering how much rampant cheating will destroy a free to play game, riot has a lot invested in this. There's many ways to circumvent anti-cheat that only runs once the client is started. People complain that not enough is being done to stop the Russian and Chinese cheaters. But then complain too much is being done

Now that pretty much the entire game industry is delayed your work here is done.

Cloud: “Okay fine, I’ll stop closing doors.”

Eh, considering Nomura can’t bring anything to a close either, I’m not surprised that this was overlooked.

That’s because Shinra is all about closing doors and the resistance is all about opening them. It’s deep.

Noticed this too, kept bumping the door and was like well who would steal from a guy with a giant sword...

I had the same reaction to the stealth mission door closing. As I recall, if you keep walking around the corner, the door eventually closes itself, which is interesting since you can’t see it at all after that. But I also was very worried that I was going to fail a mission for it. Especially since, in a later mission,

It’s not that you’re too old, you’re just too much of an asshole.

>condescendingly criticizes a participant of streamer culture

I’m 37 and absolutely cannot be bothered to give a shit about streamer culture, but I definitely don’t come stamping my feet around about how I don’t get it. Along the same lines, I don’t comment on Blabbermouth about how I don’t get the appeal of Tony Iommi.

OK Boomer

This was actually pretty interesting. I’ve noticed her pop up in a lot of the meme pages and videos I follow but I didn’t know much about her. Cool to know she’s taking her instant fame pretty well.