
If only there were some sort of history between Japan and Korea that might explain why the people of Korea wouldn’t necessarily favour Japanese consoles over others to the extent that the people of Japan do...

I saw this going around yesterday and didn't really think much of it - I don't watch his streams and hadn't really heard of him. This article mentioning his name, though, made me realize... Atrioc was one of my college roommates lmao. Definitely not how I ever expected to see him again.

Who handed you a keyboard though?

Repainting the exterior of a house on an annual basis? Unless you live in an extreme climate I just don’t see this as being necessary. 

I mean Nintendo doesn’t announce games haphazardly so it feels like we don’t get as much news. 

Remember in the Kelvin movies when Bones said he performed a caesarean on a Gorn?

...................yeah, the context on that has pivoted hard

I had to watch it for work, which means im claiming damages.

What an idiot that Red Mage is, jesus christ.

Thank you Brian. I just learned that you are taking another path in life and I will greatly miss you, from that first interview years ago when I wanted to earn commenter rights, to weeding out the semi-regular infestations of trolls who wanted to shit the commenting sections up.

I’ve always maintained that SE is the most successful incompetent publisher around.

Sickening and disgusting. Imagine, dating Bobby Kotick!  The skin crawls.

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

That’s a good sign. Maybe the work she’s put in is an indication she’ll actually give a fuck about this performance, unlike the first two Thors.

Given all the shitty comments I received a month ago on here because I said there was no way BOTW2 was coming out this year, I am going to say there are people out there that will be surprised. 

But is “samey” really a criticism if you still rate it highly.

Thing is it isn’t really the cops fault either, if you’ve ever done any kind of training with live firearms in high pressure situations you get incredibly twitchy and there is only so much training can do. And nowhere in the world appropriately funds police, if they had better equipment they could afford to be more

Maybe they thought that dressing up in traditional attire of cultures that aren’t their own as white people would’ve been 10x worse.

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

Their pricing and google’s tendency to axe things that aren’t making the moola is the main reason I’ve not “bought” any games on my new Stadia. I got the neat little $22 deal for the chromecast and controller, figuring that if Stadia tanks, I’ll at least still have a pretty decent controller for the PC (confirmed -

It's your fault for having expectations CIG told you to expect