
See, I think it’s more due to the sheer number of abilities the blue mage can get, and then they choose a subset of. It feels like they wanted to be more true to the concept of Blue Mages than they wanted to ‘slot it’ into an MMO and make it just another class.

They made an unusual choice, and I think it’s

I think they’re facing the crunch on both sides of things. You’re right of course that anywhere else in the world they wouldn’t have the freedom to take years upon years of making, scrapping, remaking, etc games. Titan, Diablo III, Overwatch... those are all stories of a game company that is so perfectionist that it

I’m not familiar with FFXI, so I can’t say, but it sounds like they’re going to directly have an array of Boss abilities that they can copy and hit the boss with, and that’s likely why they’re not going to be as balanced for raiding as say a Red Mage is.

You either have to nerf the way the abilities interact with Raid

Without getting into spoilers, I’m really hyped for the Main Story Quest. Things have been heating up, and it’s really looking like this is going to be a pretty dark turn for the WoL and the Scions.  

I think the running theory is that they’ll never be capped at the current level cap, and that they’re going to just be a ‘for funsies’ content. They’re just inherently unbalanced. Which is fine, MMOs need to do things aside from the end game treadmills, and that’s exactly what this is.

Because two people living together have lower living costs than a single person living alone. SIGNIFICANTLY lower.

Personally, I’m mad the Amazing Bag Man suit isn’t in the game.

(No, extra suits are awesome and cool but I don’t really care which ones we get.)

I think you have a point, and it really is the crux of the issue of esports vs traditional sports. When you have these leagues attached to certain games, what happens when the games age out?

I’m not enough an esport historian to say that this is the first time this has happened, but it’s got to be one of the highest

I don’t think anyone doubts that this sort of thing is going to happen, it was just handed very terribly.

If the NFL held the Superbowl, and then in April said “oh, no new season btw, kthx bye” people in that industry would be floored. That was their job, their livelihood. I think a lot of commenters are treating it

I completely get what you’re saying, but I read an account on Twitter from a popular Youtuber/streamer in response to all this that gave me pause. She started dating a fellow Youtuber and some of her fans got pissed. They would send nasty messages to her boyfriend, there was a constant background noise of harassment,

Well, she showed up on her own ship, right?

So technically, she could’ve taken the guardian’s ship and left Tony with whatever she stole from Thanos.

For me, personally, it was they were a safe target to make fun of. They were weird. They were different. I didn’t know any. So they were easy marks to make fun of. I didn’t think of it that way, I just thought they were weird and made fun of them.

And then I found one of my co-worker’s fursona on Facebook.

And then I

Oh, I agree, I just was referencing their more uneven first season, saying I was half right because the first season was rocky but now it’s a precious cinnamon roll.

Well, Monitor first showed up testing the heroes, acting the villain to see who could help him stand against the Anti-Monitor... so it tracks if they do that here.

But let’s be real. I don’t know how you do a Crisis on Infinite Earths across four (or five, looking at you Black Lightning) TV shows and keep them grounded

Is it working for you currently? Mine is currently busted, though I’m not sure if it’s due to firewall settings at work. I went over to the_donald and not a single person flagged.

Well, regardless of the article and whether the comment should have been left in or not, that’s only one example. There’s a Chrome Add-in, Masstagger, that will let you auto tag people with more than X posts in a definable set of subreddits.   And that’s just the two that I know about.  

Here’s an example of how this is done.

I love the series, but “even those were the days before everyone’s hearts were in everyone else’s and time travel.” is the best summation of the series I’ve ever seen.

And that’s not even mentioning the trainwreck that KHUX brings to the continuity.

You take that back.  Don’t put that out there in the universe.

The counter argument for that is two fold:

1.) With a CCG you’re getting a physical product with an actual re-sale value. With a digital loot box you’re stuck with digital goods that you cannot reuse in any way shape or form.  You often can’t even trade it in for the thing you actually do want.

2.) Yeah, maybe.