
This is definitely an interesting subject. No one stays on top forever, the question is this a rebuilding time for Blizzard or is this the sign of a steady decline?

I just saw a youtube video the other day that talked about how a lot of Blizzard vets were leaving the company due to a bonus scale restructuring and a

Are the starter decks standardized? I was under the impression that they were random as well.  Looks like I was wrong, that’s a bit disappointing as it increases the barrier of entry by a few $$$.

I’m really curious about this game, next time I’m at my LCG I’ll have to see if they have it.

This case infuriates me. I mean, the basic stuff about how this was over $1.50, an address of a guy not even involved, the swatting itself... all that is *terrible*.

But the part that pushes it over the edge for me is that Officer Justin Rapp faced no consequences as a result of this. I don’t even know that he got

While I agree that the method used for the sequels isn’t as without merit as Sheev would have us believe, I do think that it’s a bit unfair to give the sequels a full pass on this.

Star Wars was a surprise success, and accordingly the original followups were a more ‘seat of our pants’ affair. Though you can see that

It’s totally drawn in a childish manner. I mean, compare it to the original Voltron and there’s almost *no* touchstones that look the same.

Basically, the New Voltron art style is predicated on styles you’re accustomed to, probably from the late 90's or early 00's, and they’re either from your childhood, or you’ve

Even Kaplan called him Hammond in the interview, that’s great.

I would guess this is a pretty clear divide where Nintendo of Japan did something without thinking much about it (pulling an animation from the source material), Nintendo of America didn’t notice right away.

They’re owning it, apologizing for it, and removing it. I think it’s good to have this story about it, but I

Oh man, I’m of two minds on this. On one hand, I think giving Sylvanas & Jaina more to do in WC3 would be great.

However, I’ve seen how the writing staff treats them both in WoW and I’m scared of what ‘more to do’ might end up entailing.

Oof. We’ve said for decades that we want games to be treated seriously as media, that they’re just as deserving of praise as movies, television, print, and other forms of art.

Well, this is part of that evolution.  Overdue.

There’s going to be a Super Mario animated film? How did I sleep on this?

Man, my wife loves those games.

I never thought I’d be reading an expose into the mismanagement of ‘That Nancy Drew game company’.

I’m going to toss my two cents into the overcrowded opinion fountain.

My opinion is based on two main points:
1.) Gamers are over-reacting, that’s kind of their thing.

Fortnite has been a terrible example of Early Access from the moment it launched. It launched at full retail price, with copies of the games *sold in stores* as a PvE shooter. It felt like a hail mary to launch a supposedly ‘free to play’ PvE game in such a way.

The moment they launched multiplayer, I knew the PvE was

Why *not*? *waggles eyebrows*

Man, I’m 40.  Trump was a Captain Planet villain ever since the 80s.

When I initially saw this I thought the latest ‘shop contest was really going above and beyond.

He even acknowledged your point in his post above.  This particular comment is not contributing.

Oh man, I’m not trying to start something or insult you or anything, but this is playing right into the same mental sinkholes that the article talks about. “No one else sees the problem like I do.”

I’m going to go against the tide here and say that I really enjoyed playing as MJ & Miles. Particularly once she had more tools in her arsenal, it wasn’t that bad. I think if I were them, I’d have cut maybe one or two level each from the MJ/Miles sections. The level where she’s infiltrating a military camp and the

I’m in just to see Rock as a household worker robot in the start of the movie.