
This article is a wild ride.

I think you misunderstand the context. The episode was developed as episode 2 of 4 of the Series Finale.

Then last week (Friday?) all employees were walked out the door with 30 minutes notice.

It’s not a resolution because it was never intended to be one. It was intended to be part 2 of a 4 part series that will never

Eh, I seem to recall it always being a thing. Go look at your favorite game studios from the 90s and go see how many are still around. Remember Origin?

I suspect either you’re just paying attention more now that you’re older, or that games journalism has matured to pay more attention to it.

Gut reactions:
1.) This is awful.
2.) I’ll go see this opening weekend.

Man, that ignores the entire context of the example. You’re either *really* bad at reading social context, or you’re willfully ignoring my point. Either way, I think we’re done here. Have a good one.

I get what you’re saying, and while I think you have some merit, I think you’re being a bit too strict in your viewpoint.

I’m going to disagree with you on this one. They’ve literally said “Hey, we’re sorry about Mass Effect Andromeda, but just wait, Anthen is going to be awesome.”

Like, if your studio is getting pummeled that your last story RPG wasn’t good enough, you don’t hold up a loot shooter and say “Don’t worry, this will be

At very least, the extra attention has brought to her some prospects, and she realized she *liked* some of those prospects.  

The problem with that line is interesting. On the surface, she has a point. The Alliance has deep grudges against the Horde, and the worst part is they’re mostly deserved.

I see what you did there.

Wait, you mean they’re not actually unearthing lore and arcana about a Legend of Zelda each time they make the game??

As Thor said:  “All words are made up.”

You’re absolutely right in that she’s never been a champion of justice. I think the problem is they keep hinting at an evolution for her character and keep turning in other directions.

She consistently features in the extended media as a tragic character, one who sits on the edge of the abyss. They seem incapable of

Fahey, I don’t know if I’ve said two words to you via this comment system before, but I am damned glad to see you back. You’ve been a steady voice on this site for years, and one that I deeply missed in your absence.

I’m sorry to hear about your ongoing issues as a result of your injury, but I’m so happy to hear that

I don’t think anyone is really disagreeing with you. It’s just when Vol’jin stuck her in the Warchief role in Legion, everyone kinda went “huh?” and Blizzard made ‘trust us’ noises. And then in the build up for Battle for Azeroth, everyone went “No moar Garrash pls” and Blizzard explicitly said ‘trust us’.

The general

I think you forgot the most obvious one, Ethan. This is Nintendo. For every epic success, they must have just an epic a failure.

(See: Virtual Boy, Wii U)

First off, the motivations don’t matter - as you noted Gunn’s tweets actually happened. They weren’t photoshopped, nor were they “many outlandish conspiracy theories” as described by the letter.

Thanos has lost to Ka-Zar, man.  Anything can happen.

My biggest complaint about Starfire in the trailer was that after the hoopla when the set photo of her in disguise leaked, they really should’ve considered showing us her ‘show’ look in the trailer if that’s not it.

I hate the fact that I feel shitty being even that critical of it because of all the racist comments.

I’m going to be honest, I thought about doing all the research to show how mistaken you are. To go through, find Sean’s quotes promising this or that. But I realized you won’t really care. You’ll dismiss them as “He didn’t say the P-word” or something like that.

So I’m not going to spend my time on that.

But I did find

I don’t think this is the hill you want to die on, man.

Everyone knows that game development changes. You try things. Things don’t work. Things break. The community more or less understands that.