
It’s not a fan work? Oh so, Nintendo or Lucasarts made this?


Oh, so it’s a demo reel some company made, trying to work for Nintendo or Lucasarts?


Oh, so it’s made by a youtube channel with millions of subscribers, thus being part of their livelihood and thus a ‘professional work’?


Oh, it’s made by some dudes

I think part of your crazy theory is right. I don’t think Luke, Han, or Leia knew Rey was on Jakku. But I think Rey is Luke’s daughter that was lost after the tragedy involving Ben & the Knights of Ren.

Let’s say Mara (or whatever they name the mother) was involved with the Empire so she had that classic british

Will you listen to yourself? You’re declaring that the people who have worked on this for years, who are the experts in their field, who include among their number *John Freaking Carmack*, don’t know what they’re doing. If they could get their niche gaming device that they’re trying to push as the next big thing to

Can I add a gripe? Why the hell do I have to pick a single game mode to play in, anyway? Why don’t they have playlists? I’m fine with “Put me in a random big game” or “Put me in a random small game”.

I like Walker Assault, Supremacy is okay, and I haven’t really found myself liking Turning Point (but if it had more

I feel like they kinda let too many cats out of the bag. We still don’t know what’s up with that Dictator Superman bit, but they basically gave away the plot here.

Batman has a grudge against Supes because of Man of Steel, Superman sees the worst in Batman. They fight, possibly with Lex encouragement.

Just when they’re

The story as its laid out implies that this Sue is from a dimension without Reed Richards, Franklin Storm was the fourth member of the FF. When Battleworld formed, Franklin died, Doom saved that FF. Supposedly he & Sue got together and has Franklin & Val.

Strange said something like 8 or 9 years has passed, so that’s

Man, you really haven’t thought this through. Every time a character yells, makes a sound of pain, anything like that, that’s voice work. And they record that all in one session, yelling each thing multiple times. Likely after or before they record hours of dialogue. That’s going to hurt your voice, period.

PS4 Only? God damnit, Square, that is the ONE CONSOLE I don’t have, you better not make this a god damned exclusive.

It’s good to see Dude Huge back on Kotaku.

You know, I came into this article expecting to agree with you, but you got a lot of the comics facts wrong, and that just pushes me to disagree with you.

First off, I’m not sure there was a truce. Iron Man faked a disaster, Cap showed up to help, Iron Man surprised him and tried to get him to talk things out with him.

Because ethics in... sexy headlines?

(Just to be clear, I think this article is great, and Mr. “Reverse Sexism” needs to re-evaluate his priorities.)

I just have to point out, you said “Someone of Chris Roberts pedigree”. What has he done in the past 10 years?

...that’s actually a serious question... I think his Wikipedia page has been whitewashed a LOT. There’s no talk about his Hollywood aspirations... basically after WCIV, I don’t think he’s made many, if any

Are they going to fix the plot when they remake it?

The thing that really bugs me about FFXII was that they essentially took a long time to setup the cast and backstory, making something with a *lot* of potential... and then the game was over.

If you look at it, they essentially setup freaking Star Wars. Vaan was Luke,

The one underneath a building is cheating, as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve 100%’d every Batman game in this trilogy so far, I’m not going to stop now!

It has to be more than six months. They’re living together, and when Buu attacked they were still in *high school*. It has to be at least a year or two.

Technically, they’ve dropped hints that there used to be two genders way back when as well, and they were somehow ‘lost’ on Cybertron. (Galvatron made a reference about it to Arcee, plus I believe the villain(?) in the last page of the latest Transformers: Windblade is going to be an older school character than the

David, you really sold me on Marvel Heroes with your recent appearance on the Geek & Sundry twitch. I thought that was a fantastic move on your part, going on the show to engage the hosts and teach people the game. It’s made me want to give it another shot when work calms down.

Now, for the important question. What do

Man, you’re just willfully ignoring the part where the whole ‘water and celery diet’ is a stereotype associated with women. You can interpret it how you want, but given the context, I’m pretty secure in my original statement.

Heh, I like how you start off asking me for my interpretation. Then you explain to me what he REALLY meant. And then you go off on your how dare you be offended, sir, I AM OFFENDED THAT YOU ARE OFFENDED.


Basically, his description of Diablo in D3 was referencing her being in female form. To do so, he used cliche