
Hey, I’ll be *happy* to be wrong. It’s just when you stack this up against everything else, it feels like “oh, of course it’s going this way, because FFXV.”

Considering how awful development has been, and how poorly the demo was received, you would think they’d be more on point with the communication about things like

Wow, I’m actually impressed by how underhandedly sexist that was.

Only in the most cookie cutter sense. You have Noctis, who is Angsty MC (who sounds like Batman), and, uh, Tough Guy, Smart Guy, and Rookie. I think Prompto is the Rookie, but I can never remember the other two’s names.

As far as I can tell, people were assigning that name to her because that was Stella’s last name, and they were assuming they were sisters. Unless I’m mistaken??

I, personally, am less interested in this game because it seems to be a sausage fest. The replacement of Stella, a character I liked from the original trailer back in 1995 (sarcasm), with a character that thus far has been seen glowing and sitting in a chair, worries me.

I think that’s a fair concern. And honestly,

Man, this just figures. From the early art, Noctis x Stella was the most interesting part of the game to me. Stella had her own rapier, and presumably some agency.

So why is it that I’m not shocked that she’s been replaced with Luna, who, from what i can tell from Google, seems to be able to... sit in a chair and look

As long as they don’t botch the local co-op like they did with UA2, I’m in. But not being able to save progress on anyone but first player’s toons *blew*. I think they might have even botched achievement support.

It’s been so long I can’t remember, but I remember being supremely disappointed with that game’s local

You... don’t really understand how game time tokens work, do you? Blizzard gets more money from that then they would from a sub.

The problem is that bots cause resources values to plummet, and make things harder for everyone who is legitimately playing to find.

From your source article:
““Not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident,” wrote Google’s Chris Urmson.

Late reply, but it’s probably made easier by the fact that he didn’t know he was doing it. He wanted that shot to hit with all of his will, and he was just trusting in the ‘Force’. He didn’t know he was *using* the force, he was just focusing on making the shot with his instincts.

I think it’s implied by that 90 degree turn the torpedoes took, but I hear you.

I have to completely disagree with this article.

They made a direct to video movie a few years back. It was pretty awful.

So... here's some unsolicited advice.

Don't you think the headline was enough of a tag already? If the article was going to upset you, why read it?

The problem with the next arc is that it's the Kirito show. Like, 94% all Kirito and some new characters, with 4% Asuna and and 2% everyone else. And most of that 6% is backloaded. So if you're fan of Kirito, that's great. But if you're an Asuna fan, or a fan of the ensemble... we just hit peak of your favorite

Metzen specifically answered this in the Overwatch Q&A. There might be locales, ideas, some assets and inspirations taken from Titan, this is it's own thing. It's not the PVP portions of Titan stripped out into a standalone game. This is Overwatch. It might share some elements from what was Titan, but its a

You can't remember a single case of sexism? Wow! Do all your black friends tell you racism is over, as well? Seriously, you're one of the most aggravating types of GamerGate supporters. The ones who try to put on a calm veneer, dismiss all claims with a handwave. You just casually said SEXISM DOESN'T exist in the

This is the greatest video game feature that I never knew that I always wanted, in the history of all mankind.