
Okay. That's great for you, but that doesn't make it 'OK' for games to not have female protagonists.

You're not seeing the forest for the trees, man.

I'm not asking them to add a female 'because'.

If you're doing something because it's an 'obligation' you're still not doing it right. What I want is for it to just be natural to have a mix of male/female protagonists in games.

So in order to 'show' me this, you called me names, swore repeatedly, referred to women as 'broads', inferred my position was taken solely on the expectation of sexual favors, and generally insulted me?

It sounds like out of the two of us, one of us has an issue with the idea of more women in games. (Spoiler alert:

Well, if it's a non-issue, why are you replying? :)

Don't forget those uppity blacks!

To your last point, sure, there's other options. But that doesn't make this option immune to criticism (and this was a pretty light weight criticism from me, just an expression of disappointment).

I'm not saying this game will suck because it doesn't have a female in it. But I think it *would* be better to broaden

Very succinct.

Think of it this way. It's like watching 10 movies, and all of them starring Dudes. All the important characters are dudes. All the women are one off caricatures or worse. And after you see the 10th movie you go, "Man, why couldn't there be some more well written female characters?"

That's what this is. Another

Unfortunately, none of the answers to that question are too pleasant. :/

As someone kindly pointed out in the comments above, they've had 10 games to write out the perspective from a dude. I'm just disappointed that they didn't take this opportunity (specifically: having multiple protagonists) to try to expand their storytelling horizons.

I'm not asking for token females, that'd be just as

Haha, I suppose if the game is bad, that's one way to look at it. :)

I think you're pretty spot on. And as for the hate, no big. Some of the people I look up to deal with this crap every day. I'm a white dude, I'm just getting a sliver of the hate many women and people of color have to put up with every day. I can deal.

I think what drove my comment is the fact that there are three

I've never seen any of the films you're referring to, I think.

However, just because that one film was 'horrible pandering' doesn't mean we can't include women characters in a way that isn't pandering.

I think the problem with this line of thinking is "Oh, man, we better include a woman because we GOTTA." is still

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. There's how many big games released every year? Let's say for the sake of argument two dozen.

You can only name 3 games that have female protagonists as canon, and two games that let you customize your avatar. How many of those franchises are coming out this year? Tomb Raider?

Still lost. Am I a shiny happy atypical viewpoint in a sea of angry typical viewpoints, or am I the villain of this piece?

Bayonetta only got a sequel made because Microsoft saw a chance for an exclusive game, I think. Which just underlines your point a bit more.

I can't tell if you're talking about me or someone else. Because I'm a middle aged white dude, I have plenty of representation in games.

When they're characters similar to you it's character driven, when they're not similar to you it's 'pandering'.

Because the GTA stories are steeped in historical accuracy? It'd be nice to see them put a new spin on the angry dude games, is all I'm saying.