
Shmeh, you can't confuse love and passion for equality and 'not sexist'. The Grand Theft Auto stories are love songs to ganster movies and all sorts of movie violence cliches. And I have to admit, I haven't played a game all the way through since Vice City. But in the two games I played fully GTA III and Vice City,

If I wish they'd included a woman, what's the problem?

Not sure if serious, or Poe's law.

Haha, I didn't even know I was a woman until I posted in this thread!

Kotaku commenters have changed my life.

Ngh2b, if we were in a post-sexism society, that stuff might be true. I don't know, I'm not a philosopher.

Is this particular game a big deal? Maybe not. But I know that personally, I'm growing tired of the same companies making the same game years on end. And the more people talk about this, the more pressure there is to change.

So was the comment I made due? Probably? Is it a big deal? Maybe, maybe not. I think in

That was a lot of vitriol in response to my seven word comment. I expressed disappointment that a game series that I've loved in the past was sticking to the same formula that it has for the past several games. I didn't condemn them for being male pigs (though even money is that at least a few of them are a bit

I know they want to appeal to their demographic. But one female character wouldn't break the bank.

No offense, but that's probably what southerners said everytime someone tried to bring up desegregating schools.

This is an interesting rebuttal. Because it makes quite a few assumptions about me, and about books, and tries to tie all those into video games.

Mainly, I don't read many books. Two of the last three books I read had a shifting POV, and some of the characters whose POV was followed were female.

Does it matter,

Sorry, tonight's the night of the week my girlfriend cooks for me!

Tough break though, normally I cook for her, this would've been a good guess most days.

That's easy to say when every character in almost every video game matches your gender.

I'm not saying that we need a Charlie's Angels version of GTA, but if they're going to have a branching storyline with multiple protagonists maybe we could 21st century this thing up a bit, eh?

It'd be a welcome change!

Three protagonists, couldn't get one female? Oof.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Leigh certainly doesn't need to build any journalistic 'cred'.

This is an excellent commentary, Leigh. I liked Bioshock Infinite, I never played more than the demo of Bioshock. I'm not much for suspenseful FPS games, and I kind of regretted missing it. Bioshock Infinite I picked up, and while I did enjoy it, it felt like the quirks of being an FPS were causing the game to trip

Well... not to be quaint... but Mass Effect is a different kind of game than those.

I think you're undermining your own argument by having a discussion in a comments thread for an article you didn't read but still clicked on. :)

I don't know... this is a gaming blog, people are talking about games they play. Should we talk about older games all the time, or should we talk about new games and just

I disagree... I beat the game this weekend and I was glad to read this article. Is my viewpoint more valid than yours? Of course not, but everyone is going to have a different idea on a 'moratorium'.

I think you misread a bit there, Evan. Aside from Joker, Superman hasn't killed anyone. That was a drone plane (where'd you get helicopter?) that Superman blows up.