
It boggles the mind on how many things you're misstating and warping beyond reason.

Wait, the Vita is selling more slowly than a system that came out in 1998? I know this is a historical comparison, but damned if it didn't come off as "More people bought a *dreamcast* last month than a PS Vita."

You keep conflating the law, and ethics. I cannot speak to the law, but any of those actions is unethical. And that's not my personal bias... that is objectively unethical. No gray area. You're trying to interject a gray area to justify said actions, but this is not something that is hazy. It is unethical to take

Oh man, I never said a lick about murder, crimes of passion, or anything. That's all your obfuscation at work. Do you get points if you obfuscated yourself?

Ah, I see you must be Republican. You can't get your point across with logic, so we've gone on to yelling.

Semantics nothing. *Both* actions involve taking something from someone that they don't want you to take! Both are stealing!

You're tripping over yourself to try to excuse this, but taking something from someone when they didn't want you to, whether it is too much candy from a bowl or by using a coupon code over and over again when you figure out it's broken is *stealing*.

Because the implication is to take a few, as that's the tradition of Halloween. To act like it's not is just playing dumb.

If you steal all the candy at halloween, that's *still* stealing.

If I took a video game from a display out front of Best Buy that wasn't secured that'd be stealing it just as much as if I snuck it out of the building.

Oh please. Oh please. Oh please.

I think you're being too literal here, it was magical mists. You could logic it away with the magic 'nudged' people away until the continent was no longer in their way, who knows. It's magic, man, maybe it was physically removed from this plane of existence except for the sea turtle bit.

Ehhh. As far as the questing goes, and as far as 'stuff to do', Panderia is miles ahead of TBC. No slight to TBC, Panderia builds on all the previous expansions. But the quests are top notch, the storyline is multifaceted and interesting. And there's a TON of things to do at level 90, from Pokemon, to challenge

I think that the China thing was just Internet myth. They've gone on record that they were planning to add Panda's during TBC instead of Draenai but it just wasn't working for them, story wise.

I think that might be a bit harsh. They may have peaked, to be sure, but 10 million subs and sales that strong don't really indicate the end of the ride. Also, I suspect a lot of Panda haters will give in and try it out later... it really is the best expansion to the game yet, with lots of endgame activities to

Seriously. We've had talking *cows* from day one (now with three variants, to boot!), and people are flipping their lid over talking Pandas? Yeesh.

What's funny is that I agree with you that WoW is showing its age, it'd be hard for it not to at this point. But I disagree with your points about mechanics. When I logged in, I tried to make my character sprint with the shift key, like I had in Planetside 2 the night before. Is that Blizzard's fault, or mine?

Well, to your first point, to build relationships with other players you have to be less of a stereotyping jackass. So maybe WoW is not for you.

There's an old adage, all evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Am I being dramatic? Maybe. But Glenn Beck is either a mentally ill man, or he is praying on the weak and powerless by playing to their fears and convincing them that the boogey man will get them, and only he has the snake oil to save

I owned Sim City, and played a few Commander Keen's. But the first game I consider a *game* was Wing Commander III. Oh... I loved that game with its hammy full motion cut scenes... That's the game I think of when I think PC Gaming.