
I don't know that they dominated the market as much as pushed the market in an unexpected direction. Yes, Wii sold a lot of units, but.. I would argue that it's less of a traditional gaming machine than the Xbox 360 or even the PS3.

From the article-

Flash game predecessor here.

Hey, did you read the part of the article where it linked to the flash game version?

In a fight to the death, would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or a one horse-sized duck?

Boisean here. 99% of the time, it's paradise. :)

Just because some companies were cowed into apologizing, it doesn't meant hey were objectively wrong to do something. What they did may have been unpopular, but you're treating them as if they're robbing consumers, when they did something that caused a furor. I wouldn't even classify it as unpopular as we don't even

Your argument fails at a very basic level. You assume that Day One DLC is naturaly 'wrong' or 'milking' and provide no evidence as to why that is. It just is, because you feel that way.

Now playing

The best thing to do, so far as I can tell, is to focus on the victims, not the gunman when we're discussing the tragedy. The more people talk about the horrible person who did this horrible thing, the more other broken people will notice and say to themselves "That's how I can get noticed!"

I'd rather there be no Quasar and a chance for Wendell in the future than for Phyla to wiggle her way further into the mythos. Maybe that's selfish of me, but she already has the animated Avengers' series.

Sorry, but as a Wendell fan, the last thing I wanted was Phyla to show up and swipe the Quasar name away in the movie verse.

I'm going to call it now that this is an incomplete picture of the new game. I'm betting it'll be a sequel to the Arkham City with a series of flashbacks to the silver age, a la Final Fantasy VIII.

The ending to AA changed based on... something. Or maybe it was random. On my game it was Scarecrow who got it.

If I got this call at my help desk call I'd be a bit flummoxed.

Yeah, this is a tough situation all around. I think they treated it too cavalierly at first, and now they're knee-jerking by pretending they didn't include it at all.

I'm not disagreeing you, but the company apparently does.

I can't help but feel that your vehemence on this subject is out of place. Jason is doing an admirable job of presenting this news situation. They used the term rape, and clearly there's a sexualized air to this assault. When the antagonist is feeling Lara up, and the PR guys admit that if this was Nathan Drake

...did anyone else suddenly wonder if the actor who played Daniel from Stargate SG-1 was suddenly a big gamer?