
"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved. "

I got to the werewolf... I'm going to go with terrible.

This is worrying, because not all the states are as efficient with their lists as New York is.

Guys, there's an *easy* answer to all of this that you're overlooking.

Can't we do both? :)

Gamers on Day one DLC:

Loved that game. It definitely had its problems, but it at least tried to have an awesome story and varied set pieces.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. It is seriously aggravating to be a fan of a series, and have to own no less than four devices to play the games it is on.

That was my first thought as I read it, I'm ashamed to admit.

I wonder. Will Microsoft & Sony have the stones to go full digital distribution next cycle? It's certainly possible, at this point. The tech is there, Steam & Origin prove this. It'd be a great revenue driver for both of them.

Nice. There's just no winning, here.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You're forgetting a very important point, Rath.

"No offense, but you're completely nuts."

Damn, and I really liked the WCG Ultimate Gamer show. (It was better than that 'Tester' crap, anyway.)

Holy crap that badger is creepy looking.

Actually I'm pretty sure Tycho said that the reason PA is distancing itself from the situation was because it was causing all sorts of problems. Paypal was involved because people were confused and asking for their money back. Some people had reading comprehension problems and thought they were *paying* for a new

Some people are stupid. I don't think that discredits everyone who supports Retake ME. (though it has a silly name)

I think that, absolutely a Good Ending doesn't have to be a Happy Ending.