
The point of the chart is that they *can't* wait, because if they wait their team gets reassigned, canned, or laid off. This is the BEST utilization of their resources, and if it sells as expected we get rewarded with more content later.

Excuse me, sir?

Oh thank you so much for posting this. Whoever made this, I want their children.

Moral justification, ahoy!!!

Okay, let me throw you a question:

Actually, I believe they're biased towards rationality. It's an amazing thing.

Thank you, Owen. You are forever my favorite. (Sorry, Fahey.)

I don't think that rape means what you think it means.

First off, nothing you said refutes ANY of my points as to why Outrage over Day One DLC is silly.

Okay, Kotaku commenters, I need ya'll to come sit around, and listen.

I... what? Did... did you just say Gears of War was a better game than Mass Effect?

Yeah, it's making fun of her in a negative way. Dude Huge is awesome because it's playful ribbing to a successful, popular guy. Hamburger Helper is a negative nickname born of a bout of internet bullying at its worst.

I once went, voluntarily, by the name C-Man.

I have to disagree, KOTOR was great, but it's got a bit of nostalgia going for it. Mass Effect is in every way its equal, if not better. The story is tighter, better plotted, and the games are more fun.

That was the equivalent of saying "I'm gonna let you finish, but... PLAYING VIDEO GAMES IS THE BEST PART OF GAMES OF ALL TIME."

If by these people, you mean the ones he's telling to go f*** themselves, you're absolutely right.

It's only funny if she chose it, and it's not a derogatory name thrown at her by this insepid bullying crowd. I'm not really clear on where it came from.

Wow, you must lead an interesting life, man.

I think he's referring to Jaffe's comments about how if you let girls win (thus, the implication that girls need help to win.) you get laid.

Technically, his first problem is that the only people to go Super Saiyan have at least 50% Saiyan bloodlines.