
"Hey Voice actor, sir?"

Yesterday I logged onto Origin and tried to download the Mass Effect 3 demo. I couldn't

Sir, you have won the Eeyore of the Internet award for the week. Congratulations, and hope things pick up for you soon.

There. Right there:

My point is... why do you assume that any character that we've been introduced with that hasn't had an orientation spelled out is straight? Why is that the default?

Okay. If I half ass my job, someone doesn't get good computer support. Or if it's a computer programmer, they get a program that doesn't work.

Chichi - You can't really confirm examples of every character in the universe being straight, either. Why is the default straight?

Holy fuck, where do you live, Syria?

It's a book. They made a mistake, I'm sure the next book they'll work much closer with the publisher and author. I wouldn't sweat this one too much.

What, so in a galaxy far, far away, everyone is magically straight?

Sadly I think he's just getting older.

I appreciate passionate fans.

I was thinking that as well.

What pisses me off is that Mega Man is only going to be on the game on the Sony versions? I mean.... what? Seriously.

Congratulations, you've proven that video games are violent.

I can't hold Bioware responsible for this sort of behavior, this is abuse by players plain and simple. Obviously Bioware is going to have to come up with some sort of change in the rules, but the fact that the PLAYERS are abusing the good faith of the developers so quickly is just plain disheartening.

How is it more logical to ask people to play the game on mute rather than ask developers to *not* include this type of language in the first place?

Right! Gay people should play ALL games on mute, just so their over sensitive ears don't hear things they can bitch about later.

So what's your argument? The fact that he hasn't polled thousands of gay battlefield 3 fans for data means that your opinion is more valid than his?

You're right, gay people have no business playing Battlefield 3 at all. If they don't like being insulted, how dare they play the game in the first place.