
It sounds like you need to have a heart to heart with your friends, or you need to find new friends.

Volante - I'll be honest, I'm not a brain neurologist, brain surgeon, etc. So I don't know. Is it that big a leap of faith to say that maybe the guys who are the scientists have a good reason? :)

There's something to be said about the tools of analysis though. You can't measure changes in the brain with your eyes, as you can the apple. So as they come up with more precise tools, they'll try the same things again to see the new results.

They spent 2 years surveying players around the globe about what they want from an action RPG and they decided to *NOT* make Kingdom Hearts III right away?

See, there's a sublime beauty to this commercial that I think has been lost on the community. Chuck Norris jokes, yes, are an old Internet meme. But this meme took hold in Warcraft like none before or since. To this day, Chuck Norris jokes can appear in a public chat channel at any time. ANY. TIME.

Wait, you think that their marketing budget and their 'hiring art people' budgets are in any way related? :)

Leo - Melee. Hunter.

I have to agree with you. This is something, right now, that is a flashpoint for NFL players, the league, and the football community. Hell, I don't *watch* football but I've heard about the push for increased safety regulations for the players.

I, for one, love this feature.

I think the idea that they could be working on other project is a fair point, but I think if you know you're going to produce DLC, you probably gain productivity from keeping them on the project consistently rather than having them skip back and forth.

See, your plan is flawed on a number of levels.

I have to disagree. One of the things hate about DLC is the 'horse armor' DLC. Crappily planned DLC that adds little value.

Wrong Mike, but that's awesome that you're accidentally playing into that meme while you're trolling.

...why is Wilson Fisk in a Saints Row game?

The Mario Mix-Up:

I actually disagree, these are way more straightforward than the reviews. "Is this game worth the money to you, yes or no?" And honestly, sometimes that's what you need. I've been on the fence about this game, myself, and I value their input.

Hell, I miss knowing who the writers/editors were. The sidebar used to at least tell me who everyone was, but now as the names scroll by on the by lines I'm not sure who's a Kotaku writer, editor, occasional columnist, or if it's a gawker cross-post.

I tried Morrowind. I was really excited about it. But it felt... empty. It was like I was playing this huge, expansive Multiplayer game like Everquest or WoW... all by myself. I felt lonely and isolated while I wandered around trying to find something to do.

I have to say, I don't play sports games, but I respect the hell out of Kotaku's articles on the subject. It gives a lot more breadth and respect to a genre that I largely ignored. Kudos to you guys. Still not my cup of tea, but I don't feel the urge to go "Hurr hurr sports games" any more.

"Using these guidelines, the seven finalists were chosen: Ilomilo, Pokémon Black, Superbrothers: S&S EP, Limbo, Child of Eden, and Portal 2." Uh, you forgot to list Minecraft in there. I mean, it's implied from the headline, but it probably would make more sense with it listed there somehow. :)