
And that makes our sexism OK! :D

So, what then? These things *are* happening. We're not 'living peaceably'. Why do you propose we ignore them then?

Words have power. And every time you or someone else uses those words, it doesn't matter what you *think* they mean, they are *rooted* in their original definition. So for some of the people those words apply to, they will always feel the sting of their use.

I don't think she's asking us to discount her gender, I think she's just wishing that it wasn't such a big deal that she was a female.

Okay. I'm just so flummoxed by this one.

So, just to be clear... you're saying that when a woman is being called a slut, or an attention whore in a multiplayer game... or when people are threatening to rape someone because they're having a public disagreement with gaming celebrities, or when any of the horrible things that happen *daily* in the gaming

Thanks for this article. Whether you're talking about cows or equality, it's always a thoughtful piece worth reading.

I think you may need to reconsider your 'naturally empathetic' card.

It's funny, Fociz. You keep telling everyone to keep crying. But all they're doing is holding someone who said something bad accountable.

Oh man, what a tearjerker. I'm glad he felt fulfilled, but I can't help but feel that we all lost something when he passed on.

I'm pretty sure this would fall under "bleeding heart liberal" on the 'trying to marginalize things by giving it a bad name' scale.

Hrm. I think my reply somehow misfired. I don't think I would've replied to you over 'Haters gonna hate'. ^^; My bad!

There's a difference between people the 'Merry Christmas' debacle, and using a noun that identifies a segment of the population as a derogatory word.

Or the other option, we make the people who abuse such language feel so uncomfortable that *they* have to change *their* behavior.

Not to be argumentative, but I think that the 'creators' of the game *knew* what they had with Harley.

Dance Studio is on the WotLK *box*.

Publishers are complaining about used game sales, so I will prove their point and buy the game used!

Man.. they've already had three expansions where they upped the ante. Eventually, they were going to have to do this. An expansion adding on *expanding* the lore, as opposed to chewing it up. When you keep throwing ever escalating save the world situations at your hero, eventually it gets cliche. Tired.

They wrapped up that plotline, for better or for worse, in the books. Nightmare explained, defeated, tied into Old Gods like everything else that isn't tied to the Burning Legion.

What the... they listed three possible battlegrounds, all with new mechanics. What else do you want them to *do* for PVP?