
I understand what you're saying, and yes that's an important problem to resolve as well... but it doesn't mean that gamers (as a group) need to work on not being jerks to women.

I'm really disappointed by these comments.

Buh... I'm not usually one to rain on Kotaku's parade... but man this post kinda bummed me out. I was looking forward to watching the Guild and getting surprised by the cameos they've been jamming into each episode.

Oosiegewolfoo -

Yeah, damn that Buckley from drawing on real experience and giving his characters depth. Damn him for having variety and breadth in his story telling medium. Doesn't he know that we're *gamers*, and if he doesn't honor us with humorous gaming comics with every update, we will turn on him like the mature adults we

I definitely voted for the blonde haired one because she had the best hair, despite the fact that I preferred the Red hair of original FemShep.

I think you're looking at the wrong contest.

Wow, that's a terribly sexist image coming from the son of the Lor....

There's going to be some official media starring FemShep now that there's an official FemShep, I believe. A FemShep trailer, and FemShep will co star on one of the boxes.

So I don't think that this article deserves all the flak that it's getting. He does make some good points about standardization. I'm not sure that the problem is entirely the lack of standardization, or the amount of control wrested away by the OS, but I'm not a programmer, so this is all recliner quarterbacking for

To be fair, onathanatos, most crappy jobs are. :)

Hey, if I was a kid today? I would be happy as *hell* to work at gamestop. Come on, a place where you can sell video games and earn a wage?

Actually, since it seems to be lost on you, I was referring to the fact that your name is Linux. While I have no doubt that you chose the name because it sounded cool, you may also be aware that it is an operating system for computers.

The irony between your username and your post is immense. The sudden swerve is so huge, it is giving me whiplash.

Haha, yeah, I thought it when I was making my post, but it didn't fit with my narrative goal of getting Dan in the game. :D

Wow. Judging by your harsh words, they gave her a haircut *and* a lobotomy. Maybe we could stereotype a little less and give them a little bit of credit?

Based on a glimpse of his comments, I think he's taking a hard line towards Origin, the new EA digital distribution system.

Man, if the Tekken side gets a grizzly bear, the Street Fighter side has but one choice. It must unleash Dan to counter the ferocity of a bear.

And see, my jaw dropped when I saw Solomon Grundy in the game. He looks awesome. Seriously, this is a Batman marathon game, and I'm looking forward to every moment.

It took a lot of do-overs, especially on the last two combat challenges. Otherwise, it's all about abusing the critical strike combo to go flying around the room, and knowing when to hit counter when you can't fly across the room. :) And like the_loxster said, the more moves and ground pounds you can fit in, the