
This is representative of white ladies how, exactly? It’s PR. Give an award to Miss Piggy, Brooklyn’s Sackler Center for Feminist Art gets mentioned in a bunch of cutesy news write ups. The Center gets a bump in visitors and donations, and the Muppet Show, which is set to go back on the air, reminds people of its

I don’t think you’re wrong or humorless: it would have benefited going to a live feminist. That being said, I personally think this is fantastic (but then again I’m a major Muppets fan...this is as much nostalgia for me as anything else). Personally, I think there’s a good balance of humor, both tongue-in-cheek and a

She taught young girls (and boys) that it’s okay for a girl to be loud, large, brash, and even threatening. She goes after what she wants openly, without apology, and with her own power. More than that she’s admired and loved for it. None of that gets in the way of her wearing high heels, sparkles, make-up and

The Muppets are highly serious puppets, and everything they say should be taken with utter gravity.

That’s not what he said, nor what the poster said. The Really Important Values are freedom of speech, including the freedom to object, as Stewart himself stated. I’m not sure if I agree with him either, but it is a nuance worth the time to contemplate it.

If we are talking about the US (since I’m not familiar with Irish laws), sexuality is protected class, like race or gender, that is expressly protected against discrimination. Being a member of a hate group like the KKK is not a protected class. It’s not about what is put on the cake that’s at issue, it’s about who is

Yeah, I’m reaaaaally over the hypocritical picking and choosing of what’s “Christian” and “moral” — oh, times change and civilizations evolve and stoning people to death for infidelity is no longer okay, and it’s all cool that we no longer trade livestock for brides? Then times have also changed enough that maybe

I answer no to those questions because the FUCKING CONTENT of the speech matters. “Support KKK” is unlike “support gay marriage” in ways which are obvious to normal, fair minded people. One is humiliating and horribly racist, the other is about extending existing rights to people who have been killed for who they are

He’s backing what he sees as freedom of speech; it’s pretty clear he does not agree with bigotry.

“No it’s cool because we said ‘African American’ instead of ‘black,’ which means we aren’t racist.”

Jesus christ. I wrote up this sign and was like, “Ah, this is good. This is an accurate and respectful and totally legal sign that will cause no problems and is totally fine to post in public. Good job, me!”? How dumb and/or racist do you have to be to write this bullshit?

And some more creative misspellings of “menstruate” hopefully


When I was about 12, I was watching the news with my socially-conservative, Christian, moderate-republican dad (it was the 80s if this is confusing... Such ppl were common back then, as was “watching the news”) and I remarked that I was 100% anti-abortion/prolife, and he said something to the effect of “you can’t

While he might use the line about “These laws protect women from the father pressuring her to get an abortion,” he doesn’t have the balls to add “like I did when I knocked up my wife before we were married. Or when I got my mistress pregnant.”

So basically... if a woman wants an abortion it’s completely unacceptable.

This is really shaking my faith in the intellectual honesty of the Tea Party.

Naw, tho...they’re not addressing the Robin Thicke of before. These pieces chart his “rise” from his most recent hits. I want someone to talk of the relentless touring artist in the early 2000s, the songwriter, the devoted, insecure husband of a rising actress and his relationship to admiring black women. He was

I wish someone would do a long think piece on the fall of Robin Thicke. When he was an obscure, blue-eyed soul singer who could pack a theater full of sistas, butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. His reputation was limited to being a little coke-y, but utterly devoted to his high school sweetheart turned wife, Paula