

Agreed. I wish Paris had said, let’s discuss those sexual harassment allegations, Dave.

"Dadbod" is interesting, but a while back I started designating the bodies of urban middle aged men (doesn't go to the gym, not fat, not skinny,just somewhat....diminished) as "Desky".

Paul might have been slightly boring, but Paul has a heart. You can feel the heart and caring come through in his songs.

But FYI, you can dislike Courtney Love without being sexist. She’s just a piece of work. I remember seeing an interview with her years ago where she went on and on about how much better of a musician she was than her husband. Even if that’s true, which, whatever, is not the point, who the fuck says that about their

I have no idea who these people are, but this seems cute so I am immediately invested and I am also rooting for them. #TRUELOVE4EVA

The ear itching is the WORST. The painful, itching itself is bad enough, but not being able to reach it to scratch is maddening. As a kid, I used to try to stick things in my ears to get it to stop. I think it might actually be way up inside the throat and just feels like it’s in the ears though. Either way, it

I was all about Ms. Queen B in that first photo but the second one with Nicki shows it’s not a dress, it’s a jumpsuit.

if you vote for carly fiorina you need to reevaluate literally every single decision you’ve ever made.

Does this mean we can call this campaign Carly Fiorina 2: Demon Sheep Boogaloo?

That tv ad is satire, right? Someone please tell me it’s satire.

Yeah. Oral allergy syndrome can develop and worsen throughout adulthood. It sucks because there can be so many foods involved. I feel terrible for patients and there’s no treatment yet. Allergy shots for pollen help in SOME studies but not all. I’ve seen them help but it’s not guaranteed and it takes years. (They help

You’re right, people unfortunate enough to have food allergies should just be hermits and never go out anywhere ever. Right. Makes total sense.

Yes! To get just a hair more technical, it’s the proteins in the food that the body’s immune system is reacting to with allergies, and the heat can rearrange some of those proteins in certain foods that can cause them to be unrecognizable to the person’s immune system. That’s how I can eat applesauce just fine, but

Why do people who don’t have allergies/dietary restrictions feel the need to play the “what would happen if you ate this” game? i have had two colon resection and there’s a bunch of shit I’m not supposed to eat. I probably won’t die if someone slips a little flour or dairy in my food but too much can be very painful

If you projectile vomit all over a restaurant, you should ask them for a wafer-thin mint before you leave.

I’m mildly allergic to both cooked and raw tomatoes( I won’t die, but I’ll feel sick for a day or two) and it drives me crazy how mean and stupid people are about tomatoes! Bu the way, I love your writing, it's something I look forward to every week.

I’m not allergic—I just hate them in whole form, as is well known to regular readers of this website. But yeah, people frequently have this weird blind spot for removing tomatoes, far more than other foods, it would seem. People are weirdly defensive about tomatoes when you say you don’t like them. No one has ever

I felt so cold and unhappy after reading that. My father was very open about not wanting me because I am female. Being unwanted is a horrible thing to bear.