
Yes, I am personally responsible for an award I’ve never heard about, in a country where I don’t reside, going to a puppet pig. Also, I’m not, and never have been, a lady. I’m a woman.

That would call for nuance. By the same token, as someone who has learned about the issues /isn’t an idiot, and isn’t on either “side” unless it’s the side of moderate Israelies and Palestinians, I think it’s counter productive to label everyone who disagrees with government action/ inaction an antisemite. I don’t go

I don’t think pro-nazi message=support gay marriage message. I think it’s more like if a baker didn’t want to write “desegregate prom” or “support women’s reproductive rights.” They’re also politically controversial statements (in some places). In fact, I was supporting PS’s position, but now I’m changing my mind,


I could hazard a guess... this could be a fun game

I also think its hard to hear tone typing. Its possible that some of these posts are to blow off steam. Having kids can bring out strong conflicting emotions, coupled with unrealistic expectations about what looking after little kids is actually like, plus all the judgment and pressure put on parents of young kids. If

How could you choose only one?! I have so much love- and angst and apathy- to give!

I saw the doc last week, and that was my take-away too. I’ve never had strong feelings about CL either way. KC had a fucked up childhood which is much more likely the root of his unstable mental health and addiction.

I’m always tempted to take a q-tip to it, but that’s probably a bad idea!

I had a kickass red jumpsuit with cookie monster on the pocket and I endorse this message.

Yeah, Hilary should’ve aspired to doing something important after her time as FLOTUS. Some job that matters, that could have an impact on the world, with some scope for accomplishment. Like (failed) CEO of HP.

I <3 American political ads. The voiceover is everything, although it would have more gravitas if Morgan Freeman could’ve somehow been convinced to do it.

Me too! With carrots and avocado. Apparently it’s related to my allergy to birch trees. I’m sad about the avocado because I love it raw. Does it taste good cooked? I guess I could grill it.

A friend has a deadly blueberry allergy, and some of his doctors think it’s actually the chemicals used in blueberry growing that he’s reacting to. He hasn’t tested it with organic berries because if they’re wrong he’d be dead.

I have a mild non-killer reaction to a number of raw veg (oral allergy syndrome). Carrots are fine cooked, but raw, the insides of my ears itch. I thought it was in my head until I saw an allergist.

Hmm... rugged

Now playing

First video result for “wink wink nudge nudge”:

/communist humour

Is she? She has dark hair and olive skin, which could be a number of ethnicities. I thought it was left vague on purpose in the book. Love JLaw, but there are other ways they could’ve gone with casting her.