Commenting for the snark has never served me well. But it is a lesson I've had to learn more than once.
Now, obligatory:
Commenting for the snark has never served me well. But it is a lesson I've had to learn more than once.
Now, obligatory:
Things that are demonstrably harder to do when you're poor:
1. Make financial decisions that are rational for long-term sucess.
2. Enjoy a good education.
3. Learn.
I don't like coconut and this 'trend' of using the oil as the be-all end-all cure for absolutely fucking everything under the sun is annoying as all hell.
They have Myst for iOS!
All I could think about was this video.
Turnabout is fair play, so...
Also be sure to wear your shoes with appropriate socks! And if you are wearing boat shoes after march (even at work!) then they should never be worn with socks! EVER! Boat shoes are great business casual shoes, but are often incorrectly worn. If you are on the ocean or (especially) Chesapeake Bay and you wear socks…
They sell the plain ones in Australia, and I am still kicking myself that I didn't bring more back with me. I have dreams about those chips. Salty, mouth-watering dreams.
this isn't mocking gay marriage though, or homosexuality for that matter. mocking people who want to scam the government, sure.
12. Damn. Seasons.
Considering the probabilities... no, not arrogant at all. I'd also add that dead people wouldn't know either- considering that a major part of being dead is nit having your brain working. No brain = no knowledge.
I saw them in a grocery store in Ecuador a few years ago, oddly enough!
Fear not, it'll pass.
This is important knowledge that needs to be spread like strawberry-scented happy measles. Before they change the name to Merry Measles Plus.
Agree. A friend seemed horrified that I put my son in a day camp like that. What about Science Camp? Drama Camp? Art Camp? No thanks- my kid is going to Jump Off a Log Camp.
SERIOUSLY. Must be nice to have so much free time that you can go around ruining other people's lives.
I think this is the ultimate generational divide because I'm in my 20s and we used to run around outside without telling our parents what we were up to from dawn til dusk. More importantly on the 9 year old thing, that is perfectly old enough to watch themselves at the park. I babysat at that age (my own siblings, but…
I don't understand how this is neglect. She's 9, not 3. She's in fourth grade. Didn't we play alone outside in parks when we were 9? Without cell phones, even? Home for dinner at dark, that kind of thing? And we think it's better to put this girl in foster care than let her play in a nearby park with a cell phone?