Never thought I'd be this impressed with rocks.
Never thought I'd be this impressed with rocks.
The ones Yelp keeps hidden are sometimes alright. But anyone who describes themselves as a "Yelper" should automatically be put on a psych hold as far as I can tell.
The fact that he was a great pilot aside, this guy kind of sounds like a douche-bag.
It's her bag, she will put whatever the fuck she wants in it.
Now, now, Cockadoodoo, you catch more flies with honey than by being an assface.
HA! You must not be the sharpest bulb in the henhouse...
....... Mom shaming??? Reallyyyy Jezebel??? Reaaaalllyyyyy?? Is anyone here NOT a victim???
When on Fox News it is a requirement to constantly mention the military. When a Republican it is a requirement to cut all government services that help the military.
The climate at those schools are a reflection of the problems in the community. Those students, unfortunately, are often safer at school than at home. Their parents are unlikely to provide good homeschooling. Some of my students are absent 20% of the time, and on the days they attend, they are tardy. They don't…
For fuck's sake, hysterical fear-mongering doesn't help anyone. Most public schools are not anything like that.
Back in ye olden days (the 90's) there was this awesome class called Home Economics. It taught you almost everything you needed to be a functioning adult!
Why can't things be taught in 2 places? You know, to make sure everyone gets it at least once and some lucky kids get it twice! That doesn't really seem harmful . . . .
Drug dealing: you're doing it wrong.
I always ask for a running tally of exactly how many bowel movements were excreted by the previous tenant. I like to rotate toilets every 10,000 craps.
The gif of the kid crying is fucking tragic. The gif of the grown woman crying like a loved one just died is fucking hilarious.
I'm not a Joan Rivers fan but something about that interaction makes me feel sorry for her. Maybe it's the condescension from the other lady with the fake smiling and gleefully poke-y questions?