
Oh my god! It makes all the difference. My daughter is finally talking like a coherent human being and it’s awesome. I’m really discovering what kind of little person she is. Not like Little Person. She’s not a dwarf.

“Oh yeah, ya little shit? You’ll be dead in 2 minutes unless you shut the hell up about how old I am! Go clean your room before I decide to end you.”

Remember when LES was cool?

Moral of the story...doesn’t take a genius to get authorized to work on Nissans (or drive and write about them).

Who’s idea was the name “Hermes”?! Your parental rights are immediately REVOKED!!

Would they be suing if the kid had been born “normal”?

How are these douchecuntfuckballs still in business? They’re idiots. And their “food” taste like a fucking douchecuntfuckball.

You GET IT. Thank you.

Sex was invented in 2012?! How do you explain this fucking 4 year old who won’t go away?!!!

Nobody ever claimed you had to be a genius to be a grown ass man playing a child’s game for money.

Reminds me of labia. Which is something I could munch on all day.

Cocaine and pussy! (not necessarily in that order)

I love you. And not just because you’re comment is perfect, but you were able to work in the word “malarkey”. You are the bees knees.

That’s dumb.

One would think Brady could afford to get a suit that fit.

But if you don’t get bumped you get to go where you’re trying to get to. I don’t see the problem.

That movie looks so bad. It’s unfortunate, because it’s an incredible story.

Meh. All my French friends love a good rose with a light lunch. I spent several hours with friends in Paris not long ago sipping rose and eating fresh anchovies in the middle of the afternoon.

Not Rose? Since when?

Jaden, mommy and daddy are divorcing and it’s all your fault.