
I will now attempt to jam this entire microphone down my throat. Auf wiedersehen!

w. o. w.

If you stop putting a spotlight on these idiots, they will eventually crawl back into their basements. Like toddlers, the more you encourage them, the more they act out.

Maybe stop staring at a screen all day long and actually look up and interact with people in real life.

I can safely say that Benedict Cumberbatch is not a prick in real life. Rest easy.

True. But that doesn't remove the fact that Anna Holden is either, stupid, an asshole, or both.

Is it gluten free? BECAUSE I CAN'T EAT GLUTEN!

That Anna Holden seems like an asshole. I'm not sure she understands that "cafe" means fucking "coffee".

I wonder how old you look.

Thanks for the update.

Pedantic insight of the day:

Praise the Lord!

Oldest trick in the book. Lee Babout is just trying to be all "down" with black people so he can score some of that sweet undergrad African American pussy!

Until people realized beef tallow wasn't good for you, fries were always cooked in some sort of animal fat. In France, they often use horse fat. It's hilarious that you thought french fries were vegetarian! Hahahaha!

Epidural?! Worst mom ever.

Not to be a prude, but this shit borders on pedophilia. You sick weirdos.

Further proof that peanut allergies are fucking bullshit.

Deleted. Wrong thread.

How can one climb the corporate ladder without being a meathead sports enthusiast? Hmmm......