
And you'll need to spend hundreds of dollars in-game to get anywhere.

How is it an improvement? Micro-transactions are fucking bullshit. I'd rather just pay a subscription and have a level playing field.


You get an F in pop culture today.

Who is that old lesbian standing next to Martha?

Why is menstruation "humiliating"?


The delivery fee goes to the shop. The tip does to the guy waiting on (or in this case, delivering to) your fat ass.

You know what they say about making assumptions...

Why? Fuck those turds. I hope they all die early from diabetes.

That animation sucked ass. The writing was good, however.

Um. Excuse me. Didn't the Academy fill their "colored" quota for the decade last year?

I hope those fat twats never order another pizza. They've clearly stuffed their faces enough for 3 lifetimes.

How dare you.

Stop calling 20 year olds "kids". Seriously. You're not doing them any favors.

As a parent, I can't even fathom that kind of sociopathy.

I was advised by Deputies that they had saw movement at the rear of the building.

I won't go into it, because it's a boring story, but I can totally relate to the Baptist Convention story. Church people are the fucking worst in restaurants.

I was with you until the "Go Yankees". That was just way too offensive.

More like, "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"