it’ll update eventually or open store and check for update
it’ll update eventually or open store and check for update
Yeah but not as bad as the Vista live wallpaper that was just a MP4 or WMV video looping as your wallpaper.
Fast Startup is hibernation, but just the OS and not the user state. If you have this setting enabled, when you shutdown, the OS will actually perform a “logoff the user then hibernate what’s left”.
If you’re troubleshooting problems with a PC, you also need to remember that with this setting enabled, a restart is a…
I’m 30 and haven’t figured it out. I’m very well aware of it, but no length of time feels like the right amount of time, no matter how brief or long lasting, I feel like I’m coming off weird. Unless I’ve worked with you for a while, I much rather speak on the phone or in type.
“By closing the app, you take the app out of the phone’s RAM. While you think this may be what you want to do, it’s not. When you open that same app again the next time you need it, your device has to load it back into memory all over again. All of that loading and unloading puts more stress on your device than just…
Yeah this is not new, the UI is not “in a different place” then previously, and as you noted, all content-searchable file types are already pre-selected to be indexed. Literally not a single change in this since Windows Vista and 7, and certainly not new in any way to 10. How did this go viral this week?
The last option about resolution can sometimes be the best. Especially if you “hot swap” monitors. I frequently attach/detach a low-res (96dpi) Dell monitor from my Surface Pro 3. The per-display scaling stinks until you log out and back in, and this solves that issue and a few other annoyances. I can’t take credit…
Even the most low-end can probably handle most tasks an average user would say they want. And those users who need better specs (such as to render and use large photoshop projects without significant lag) will know what specs they need.
I guess if you're suffering so hard from ADHD that you can't use the search box without getting distracted, this might be useful. Although immediately after you search, all those distractions come right back. They should make a plugin that lets you search, shows you only the top result for 1-click ordering, then…
This is the dumbest plugin I've ever seen.
I always assume everything I've posted will be searchable by some means or another. Just because it was a little harder for someone to find an old tweet of mine doesn't mean I felt any more comfortable saying something or not. I am not a fake person online, but I still post online with the nature of the medium in…
Bing has been doing this forever.
If you are an administrator with auto-elevation enabled, it will not prompt for anything when clicking. But you do have to be an administrator (standard users are not allowed to do something that might affect another user or the system at large, and messing with networking is definitely in that category).
OneNote, Skype, and Outlook (I'm using Windows)
Yup, Previous Versions the function has existed for some time, but the underlying technology has changed. Now it uses the user's self-configured File History drive for versioning, where before versions were created from system restore checkpoints using shadow copy.
I really want a mechanical keyboard but I have a hard time justifying the cost.
I really want a mechanical keyboard but I have a hard time justifying the cost.
No one should ever install the 64-bit versions unless they work in highly technical research environments where 64-bit computing is required end-to-end. If you do this, all your plugins, macros, add-ins, tools, templates, and EVERYTHING will stop working. Seriously, this is a disservice to the readership. Line of…
Yup. Why complicate it? Turning off your computer should be as easy as turning off your TV. Just push the Power button, and walk away. All this fuss about the on-screen options are crazy when you think about it. Use the power button, just like you already do on your TV, phone, tablet, ipod, coffee maker, etc.
I don't shut down my computer very often, but I can't imagine any time where I've been typing code or an email and thought "omg I must shut down right this exact second in 2 keystrokes or less!!!!" :)
I've tried several. Suction cup ones seem to wobble on me, and weighted sandbag kind on the dash are big and ugly. Right now I'm loving my air-vent mounted holder.
I've tried several. Suction cup ones seem to wobble on me, and weighted sandbag kind on the dash are big and ugly. …