Young Blasarius

I've got this problem. Our group of mercenaries are trying to earn the loyalty of a group of warlords by bribing them with precious stones. Unfortunately our caravans are being hit by a bandit. It appears he's just giving out the rubys and stuff to kids and dumping them away. Do you think we should like... send an

We're way past that point. ;)

Being a dad all I can think of is how bad I feel for that little girl...

Anything! Whatever you need advice on. Take a look at my previous columns, I go through lots of different questions.

Is it your policy to avoid reading articles you've decided to comment on, or just the ones where doing so makes look like an ignorant bigot?

The problem is the hypocrisy. There's been a ton of sex in this series. Hell, there's been a giant creature and his massive penis in one issue. No problem.

And yet I can pull up an issue of say, Irredeemable, and pan to the nudity that comic features.

Except Comixology is something of a "hub" service, with the apps being "connections" to the hub. It's on Android and iOS, yet this ban is reaching even the website itself, unaffiliated with Apple.


Welcome to the future: Corporate Dystopia. Apple can legally do this, even if they owned 99% of the market share for downloadable content, no one has the balls or the money to claim they are a monopoly.

Don't see how this is going to help Apple. Won't Saga fans completely abandon Apple's software and choose to use Comixology instead after this?

I didn't know if I wanted to read this article. Most things revolving around cancer really cut deep for me and the portion of my brain not focused on the words will drift into that place to add visuals to the story and for me, the visuals are very real and personal. Having had 2 of the most important people in my life

I just found out my dad's cancer has spread to his lungs and bones. He'll be lucky to make it a year. No one with his type of cancer has lived past three years after being diagnosed, and his wan't caught early. I've been tailspinning pretty bad, just trying to keep my head above water (ie. not get fired for being a

The very first time, my mother was supposed to die. She was supposed to die, and we succeeded instead. She survived several times after. For just under a year I was needlessly cavalier. I do remember what it felt like to be the hero. I also remember what it felt like to get so, so tired, which was a long time after

This is exactly what my wife and I set out to do with our Minecraft wedding. You can have a video game theme, or really any theme, but still stay classy so that people attending will enjoy themselves without having any idea what the video game is. ;)

Yeah, I would say companies like Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America are all much worse than EA. EA is small potatoes, there are really american companies that are doing serious damage to important things.

Provide more points of view. Diversity is good, especially when you're looking for wide appeal!

We all have our crosses to bear.