Young Blasarius

Running all my games right now on a MSI 660Ti PE 2GB card. I have to say its a pretty impressive card and allows me to play most games at max settings at 45-60 FPS. For what it's worth I consider it to be a great mid-high end card for a great price.

Says the complete fucking idiot.

There is a plot, NPC's, and graphical variety. Maybe you should just stick to the "amazing" games you like and leave DS for the big kids to enjoy.

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised"

What a sad little man you are. You must be so popular with the ladies.

"So you cooked up a story and dropped the six of us in the meat grinder."

Being the son of god and all I can see how this might be awkward.

Webcams with always on internet connection would be a cheaper solution, at least for consoles.

Considering the designer actually went through all this I think he is entitled to make a game about his own experiences.

"the electronics giant looks a bit more out of touch with the consumers that have vaulted them to such ridiculous success"


I apologize. I was under the impression that this gallery was of female cosplayers only.

Sounds like something a member of the nerd mafia might say. "I know a guy who may or may not be able to procure the giant death ray in question."

"I’m thinking of getting robot legs. It’s a risky operation, but I think it'll be worth it."

"I’m thinking of getting robot legs. It’s a risky operation, but I think it'll be worth it."

Years ago I was watching late night tv and the Honeymooners were on. In the middle of a scene between Ralph & Alice the whole fake wall of their living room fell over, exposing the crew and all their equipment behind it. The characters in the scene went on like nothing was wrong while the crew guys were just staring

Just reminds me that one day wars will be fought by PETMAN's offspring and swarms of Drones.

Scary and Awesome at the same time.