Young Blasarius

FYI: if you need help with an area or boss I would highly suggest EpicNameBro's YouTube Dark Souls page, the videos are amazing. His Lore videos are also top notch, I was surprised by how much story is hidden in the game to find.

You confession has been heard. Now say 10 hail Gwynevere's, 10 Our Father Lord of Cinders, and remember to Praise the Sun at the start of each new day.

Looks like someone hit the Daily Double.

It's a great feeling to have again. Praise The Sun!

Halo and COD are popular for their Multiplayer, where a game like FarCry 3 is a great Singleplayer game. Besides the fact that they are both FPS's they have very little in common.

I love both of those movies. It is pretty obvious that they were a direct reference for these figures, which makes me want them even more.

I know right. RPG, helmet, vest, designer undies, knee high socks & flip flops, and he pulls the whole ensemble off flawlessly.

...and wedding dresses?

...and wigs?

Or child soldiers?

Sounds like Poopy Work to me. Get it on PC and Mod away.

Says the guy with a Milhouse avatar. Self hating nerds are the worst.

Crack that egg of knowledge all over their heads. Dinosaurs mod or bust.

If he was 12 this would have been the BEST Christmas ever. 3DS AND Pron.

Wow. First off everybody knows that Santa would slay Hitler (unless it's Mecha-Hitler ofcourse) in a duel. Secondly like I said "Effective, hell yes", just look at the 50-80 million that were victims of his noob camping tactics. Sure he's the guy everybody hates in multiplayer matches but he keeps his K/D at

Grinchy, for sure. Cheap, maybe. Effective, hell yes. You don't wanna get into a fair fight with the jolliest of jolly's.

Well that solves that I guess. Good thing you weighed in on this because otherwise we would have had to make up our own opinions.

I like my 360 for Arcade titles, BlOps2, and co-op with my daughter. But if it's a game I'm serious about putting time into then it's PC without a doubt.

Now that's a proper holiday desert. Taste great and gets your hammered, atleast the way my friend makes it for me (extra rum).

Papillon, great book to enjoy with those wafers.