Young Blasarius

If the moms this cool then the daughter might be marriage material.

Now playing

1:31 - "let's do it for Stevie man, do it for Stevie"

Nice. I'm on my 3rd build and I learn a lot more each time.

This is all I see sadly.

Someone please turn the lights off on the way out and don't forget to lock up, the internet has officially been won for the day and were shutting this bitch down early.

The Lufthansa heist of this generation.

Your off too a great start, just fine tune it now and you will be ordering in no time. Is this your first build?

Good for you Totilo. I know your going to catch a lot of flak from the unwashed masses but any PC gamer understands that feeling you get when you experience a great game on PC and it suddenly clicks that you will forever be a PC gamer. I love my 360 for DVDs, Arcade titles, and casual co-op but for anything else

If you wan't to play Metro 2033 you might try forcing ON Vsync, it made a huge difference for me, went from low to high. It really is an awesome game, let me know if you need help.

I'm testing my current rig for numbers to compare too, when I install the new GPU I'm gonna see what I come up with and I'll definitely let ya know.

I was late to the party and just came across NM by another bloggers recommendation. Looking forward to your work here at Kotaku.

It's so, so deliciously evil.

I was reading some of the articles at NM recently and all of a sudden it clicked where I saw your name before. Duh, here. Welcome, and good luck with the new gig.

Gorilla Mask. Tag your it.

Gorilla Mask FTW.

My MSI 660Ti should be in my hands this week, I'm planning on play testing Far Cry 3, Skyrim, Metro 2033, and Crysis 1 on Ultra to see how it does so I will let ya know as far as FPS and temps if your curious. It's definitely expensive but no one in the history of PC building has ever regretted getting too much GPU,

Yes. She is a certified geek like her Dad.

Yeah that Level ten is tits for sure but at a serious cost. I think looks are good but in cases I'm looking for something roomy with good cable management options for a good price. The Antec fits perfectly for me, but there are several others like Coolmaster that have similar cases for under $100.